
I have a PS4 and generally have little interest in an XBox, but HUGE thumbs up to Microsoft for investing R&D and effort in developing this controller. What a fantastic thing to do for disabled gamers, especially kids and teens who already deal with so much isolation from their peers. This is really great.

He’s also a guy who has openly railed against Trump and done a great deal of charity work, including a personal donation of 3 million to Puerto Rico for Hurricane relief. Billionaires are what they are, but this guy doesn’t seem to be quite the horror show you paint him to be.

Back to back sweeps in the playoffs against the same team, the last of which you didn’t even compete, will get almost any coaches fired. It’s not that they lost, that happens when you play LeBron, it’s that they looked lost before the series even started. Regular season wins don’t mean much if you’re not prepared to

Last night was the first time this season I’d watched the Rockets play a full game. How is this in any way, shape, or form a D’Antoni team? They’ve completely flipped the 7 seconds or less script. Now it’s Harden or Paul, standing out at top banging the ball into the floor, until the clock is at 7 seconds or less,

Best part of that clip was, even after he noted what he’d done, and was laughing at himself for trying to put hands on the table, he was doing it again to help stand up. His brain just couldn’t process the disconnect.

Kiss my ass Ley - Donovan Mitchell

Watch games of Embiid from the season, and watch him against the Celts in the playoffs. Yeah, he’s getting some points, but he’s dramatically less dominant. Good NBA defenses are not about completely shutting down a player of Embiid’s caliber, as that’s all but impossible (although they managed to do it to Simmons in

Dodger diehard, but I saw this season coming. Four years of excellence, climbing to the mountain top, only to lose Game 7. A hangover season was all but inevitable.

Wow, you’re human garbage. Of course, I also starred the comment.

Ehh... not so fast on Kap. I’m a Niners diehard and an unabashed Kap fan, but he struggled mightily in his second season under Harbaugh as NFL defenses did indeed take away a large part of what had made his game so dynamic his rookie season.

Much is, or very loosely adapted, but for the most part Mjolnir is lifted right from the actual mythology. Well, it wasn’t forged in the heart of a dying star either, but that actually sounds much cooler than the forge in the myth.

I appreciate a good witty comment as much as the next guy, but I admit the Earp one has gone over my head. Help me out with what I’m missing. How does the paramilitary garb of the security relate to the Earp brothers? No doubt I’ll be kicking myself once you clue me in.

Well, since as the right likes to put it, all this should balance out in a free market, then remove the fucking antitrust exemption from the NFL. Eric Reid is not free to take his work elsewhere because the NFL has what amounts to a government backed monopoly on professional football. This gives them, in effect,

It’s right there is the story of Mjolnir’s creation. As described by Brokk and Sindri (fooled into making three gifts for the God’s by Loki as part of a plan to get hair for Lady Sif; yeah, the Norse stuff gets weird), Mjolnir:

Right, but it’s not a direct connection to the Avengers. It’s a direct connection to Norse mythology, upon which both the game and the Marvel character are based.

Yeah, that’s what I don’t get about the “he was a teenager” defense. Never in my teens did I find anything funny or amusing about racism or the N-word. You’re either the kind of person who thinks it’s funny or you’re not. It’s not something we all go through and grow out of as we approach our NFL draft day.

I put nothing past shitty commenters and fanboys when it comes to dumb ass conspicuously theories. Yeah, sure, the Niners cooked this up. They risked legal tampering charges and the entire organization’s reputation in order to save a rookie LB with a history of injury and behavior problems the day before they could

Or, as Kobe put it, “it’s not the years, it’s the miles.”

This. Support the Troops is such hypocrisy given how they’re actually treated by conservatives. As to the video? I’m not sure I’ve ever encountered people with more self control than those two servicewomen. How they didn’t end up dismantling that woman and her son is beyond me.

Weed and Kung Fu movies. All you need for great pizza.