
Or, you know, do it like Israel who has a far greater risk to their flights yet does virtually none of this and has no such issues with crazy lines or incidents. Unfortunately, that would mean looking at a 4 year old child and a twenty something middle eastern man as potentially posing different risks, so that will

Given what happened to Isaiah Thomas, I agree in part with your comment. However, there is zero excuse for not communicating with the team, disappearing to New York, and leaving your head coach and players clueless as to what is going on.

The guy was/is beloved by Lakers fans. His number is retired, and they just built him a statue outside Staples. His greatness was hardly ignored or overlooked by fans, and he’s regularly featured, at least locally, on “greatest ever” lists.

Do you know why such helmet laws exist? The state really doesn’t care if you want to crack your mellon on the side of a curb and be spoon fed pureed peas the rest of your life in a chair. Go for it!

So much ink will be spilled over nothing. The last couple of years Dez has seriously underproduced compared to his contract. That ratio looked to only get worse next season. It was perhaps the most no-brainer cut of this entire off season.

...and we’re just going to ignore that glorious car phone STILL installed in the interior?

BTW, and not that it’s great for Eric Reid (a fantastic human being btw if you ever get to spend time around him), but the longer he goes unsigned and ignored, it can only help Kaep’s collusion case, no? I don’t think anything will change in the NFL until Kaep wins a massive judgement and sends the cowardly owners

I think Bruno Mars said it best in one of his songs (forget which). Paraphrasing he says he still believes in a man and a wife making a life together, but knows that kind of love can’t exist for him while he lives the lifestyle he currently has.

...and if the auto pilot system on a plane fails, and if it was involved in three known plane crashes, you can bet your ass people wouldn’t just be saying “it’s the pilot’s fault.” There would, and should, be serious inquiries into the system and strong corrective actions taken before it was allowed to be used again,

Absolutely. It suggests the wrong idea. Better still, implement a system like Cadillac’s version where, when you take your eyes off the road, it warns you, and then disables.

You’re crazy. The reason people use ad blockers in the first place is because of ads like this. I have many sites I whitelist, because they use ads that don’t beat me senseless when I try to simply read an article.

And the best solution to this is to lock up the guy, at considerable expense, for years? Only in the USA is this the default option.

Why exactly does their making $21 an hour bother you so much? Why do we continually devalue the time and work of our fellow laborers?

This is where we are in society today. Ryan Felton says he never got the call. The judge in a legal decision says he wouldn’t place the call. Yet that’s not good enough for For Sweden. Shit Swed, how do we KNOW anything?

Have you flown with luggage anytime since 9/11?

Then again, you lay down with pigs...

I know you’re going for the easy joke, but you do know the author’s of the articles don’t do the spreads and art for the paper, right?

Michael, the “know your roll” section was comedic gold. LOL. None of this has to be explained to white people who have genuine black friends. They’re harder to identify them because they never go around announcing that they have black friends.

Sadly, this is too true. You can’t do anything but look at the sudden return to dominate form, after years of decline, at a late age by Federer (and now it appears Tiger as well) and not think pharmaceutical help.

Barry, at this point there are more esports postings on Deadspin that hockey. I can only beg of you to write more. You’re the main reason I still drop by.