
I saw this over the weekend and while I agree that it’s not great, I do think the premise holds up a little bit better than your review states. Penny and Josephine are conning not just rich men, but ‘bad’ rich men. Josephine even says, ‘you can’t con an honest person.’ Penny is purposefully targeting men who are

Thank god someone said it. The reaction to The Magicians finale this season is mind-boggling to me. 

I retract my statement. I hope you have a terrible weekend. And you know absolutely nothing about what I know or don't know.

I’m not going to keep arguing with you when we can leave this as an interesting and respectful conversation. You aren’t going to change my mind and I’m not going to change yours. And that’s fine!

Yes, respectfully agree to disagree. While I agree that forecasting and strategic planning are work, I just don’t often see high-ranking folks doing that work. They’re directing that work maybe, or asking for it to be done, but not doing the work themselves. And, I want to emphasize that I’m not saying the stuff they

I have been a people manager as well, and while I agree that mid-level managers can work just as hard as individual contributors, I would argue that at her level that goes out the window. She’s not directly managing people. She’s managing the ideas of the business.

Reading the profile on the Bumble woman, she seems like any other founder or executive level person: She spends a lot of time being told what other people are working on and doesn’t do a lot of work herself. And I’m not exactly knocking it, I’m sure it’s great work if you can get it. But I wonder about what the week

Thank you for this. 

Yes, I’m very excited to see the Mike Ainsel , small WI town plotline. 

I’m not seeing a lot of positive comments here so even though I’m grayed and you probably won’t see this, I wanted to add mine. I completely agree with this whole article and while I will cop to a moment of utter joy seeing all the women on screen at once, the thing was ridiculous pandering that the filmmakers think

Hey, you don’t owe anyone on the internet anything, no apology necessary. :)

It was Edd that died. Pyp died several seasons ago. Otherwise, that's the list I got too. 

Thanks for the response. I'll have to rewatch Infinity Wars for that piece of information. Thanks again! 

I’ve scrolled through a lot but not all of the comments looking for discourse on this, so I apologize if this was talked about somewhere and I missed it, but I have a question.

It’s all the circle of life, man. 

Correct. But I can make at least a semi-educated assumption and not care if it’s wrong. :)

Came down here for this. These are the yahoos who gave us Trump. I’m going to mock their stupidity even if it involves a loss, just like they probably mock people who are losing family to deportation, etc. 

This has been really cool to think about.

This is a really interesting perspective that I really like. “A Life in the Day” as more of a ‘what if?

I love this comment because it’s everything I saw in the season too, as I looked back after the finale last night. I’m heartbroken that so many others online are so hurt and feel betrayed by Q’s death and the lack of closure for Queliot. But I felt this was a perfect overall arc for Q and end to his story. I’ll be