
I literally clicked through to the article to see if any of the people I would actually care about (MTV’s The Challenge cast members) would be involved. 

Thanks for the tip!

I’m very late to the Skins party (read: just started Series 2 this weekend) and it was absolutely jarring to see them on that show and then see Gendry on GoT. 

Great review, LaToya. I was a little put off by how easily Jake jumped on the ‘let’s have kids’ bandwagon. But I also know there was really nowhere else for it to go.

Unfortunately, we live in a world where you have to wonder things like this about everyone you encounter because there’s so many ways people are trying to take other people’s rights away. 

I’ll back you on this. That was my first thought too. 

I absolutely understand this sentiment, and it’s serious, and I agree. But also, I read that and all I could think of was Schmidt on New Girl in one of the holiday episodes where he goes, “I’m so sick of Christians. This is my last Christian Christmas!” in that dumb voice of his. It’s the little things like that that

We Americans do a lot of weird shit. Good luck with the IVF. 

Yeah I feel like this isn’t talked about enough. So it’s not okay to abort a pregnancy because it’s what god wants, but if god makes you unable to have a baby you can totally ignore that and do whatever it takes to rectify the situation? 

I scrolled through a lot of comments to find this. I was CERTAIN it was Fangs and not Moose but then no one else questioned it. Thanks for bringing it up!

I have never kneeled for the anthem, but I have stayed seated while it was played at both an NFL game and an NHL game. I got a couple of looks from people at the NFL game, but nothing crazy.

I know this was a rough episode because I found myself thinking “why does Betty even care about her mother at this point? Just let her go off and die, you’ll be fine.” 

If I could live in a world that had constant moments of Nick Miller, I think I’d be a little happier overall.

I used to do that too! Right down to calling it soup! 

This is a little off topic but on one of the other articles about this show a few folks brought up Misfits and talked it up a lot. I had heard of it, but was never interested. Well, I just watched the first 4 episodes over the weekend and I’m obsessed. I tried to find the thread to thank them personally, but couldn’t

Hard same. The irony of complaining about how Emily’s reviews don’t say what they want them to say while criticizing her for not liking the season because she’s not seeing what she wants to out of it is lost on so many of the commentors.

I too love the drama on what I assume is Clash of Clans and its many offshoot games. 

THANK YOU! I’m not saying that Sam and Cait didn’t start strong. The first season, in particular, their chemistry was off the charts. But that something they had has fizzled away. Time to focus on our favorite French kid and his family!

So, I think this is about when I stopped reading the books, and I think it might be when I stop watching the show. I’ll just come out and say it - I don’t think Claire and Jamie are that exciting of a couple to follow. Once again a friend or family member of theirs has to make a big sacrifice in order for their lives

This is a great review, and it so eloquently lays out exactly what I was thinking all episode. The portrayal of the Natives this season has been ridiculous. I still don’t understand how we’re supposed to like Roger after how he’s behaved throughout. Brianna has her moments but is otherwise unbelievable in her