
Right. And maybe even give that cash to the gang of homeless kids running protection for you...

And I was actually looking forward to a whole quarantine plot line. I feel like they could have really done some interesting stuff with it. 

Yeah how did we get through a whole review without mentioning the fact that he’s either dead dead or fake-out dead? 

It’s unfortunate that Vikings can’t seem to get out of its own way because there’s still so much potential. The battle in this episode was impressive, if not entirely original, as you mentioned. And I thought we got more insight into Harald than we have in a long time. Peter Franzen was impressive throughout the

It feels like it’s been a decade since I saw it for the first time, but I absolutely agree that Killmonger’s death speech belongs on this list of greats. It was so emotional and so heartbreaking. And he DID have a point. I’m moved all over again thinking about it now. 

This is a beautiful encapsulation of John Grey and his story in Outlander, and I thank you for sharing it. 

You are completely correct. Benjamin seems like he'll turn out to be a great guy and hopefully they can have a meaningful relationship...but why not a quick and dirty with the tortured artist? It'd be great for her act. 

I was hesitant about NuGreg but he bowled me over immediately. His entrance into the show was seamless and I’m so excited to see where this goes now.

Same, actually. Well kinda. I have a BA in French from a very long time ago and I don’t get to use it very often. Lol. 

I’ve been dying to talk about this episode! Great review Arielle!

The scene in the Paris cabaret with the American translating her act for Midge was a great one, and also very jarring. I found I had an even harder time following ASP’s quick, witty dialogue when I was hearing it in two languages. But oddly, it felt kind of fitting. I don’t think I see it as a negative, just different

Yeah, I think you win here (which of course you can’t really call it winning). Sorry you have to deal with that bullshit. 

You’re not old. I’m 35 and just fell in love with The 1975 like 8 months ago. You just have different music tastes. And that’s okay! 

Same! His song Ruin is one of my faves at the moment.

The midwesterners that are so maligned in comment sections all over are the ones that did the work and flipped important seats in the midterms. I don’t know what else we have to do to prove ourselves. 

At the risk of being the jerk who doesn’t get the joke/sarcasm, Dorcas was actually a very popular name a long time ago. In fact, I believe at least one of the women from the Salem Witch Trials was named Dorcas.

Did Susie somehow get possessed by the ice cream demon and Dorothea is how it manifests in her? 

It’s that way in MN. The gas alone is worth it. And if you wear prescription glasses their deals on eyewear are double worth it.

This is disgustingly unsurprising for many reasons but one of them, I would bet, is the racist stereotype of the ‘angry black woman.’ I would suspect that rates of black women being locked up are disproportionately high just like the rates for black men, and that more than likely plays a role in this too.

The dumbest destination wedding I’ve been too was my dumbass brother in law. He lives in South Dakota, and he married a woman from Florida. They got married in Baltimore in July. They have literally no connection to Baltimore. So stupid.