
Completely agree with you on this episode. It was too long, and I had hoped we’d get more into who Beard actually IS. I do get that part of his character is that we don’t see a lot of his internal life, but then why did we spend 40 minutes with him?

Just jumping in to say that while I don't necessarily agree with all your concerns and criticisms, I sure do like reading them and thinking them through. Thanks for the consistently thoughtful reviews. 

Might I suggest french toast with the leftover buns? We’ve started doing that in our household and they’re surprisingly delicious. 

I felt a similar heartbreak about the New Girl cast. 

It’s Billie Eilish. 

Nothing more to say than I just really like Aya Cash and I’m glad she came across well in the interview so I can continue to really like Aya Cash. 

Jonathan Tucker is one of the actors that, anything he’s in I’ll give it a shot. No questions asked. 

I hate to be that person (but I’m going to do it anyway), but the first special episode was called Trouble Don’t Last Always and it bugs me to no end that AV Club can’t get that right anywhere. 

i legitimately could not believe she didn’t invite her stand in to share the bed. But you’re right, it’s very on brand. 

This is a good list, but personally I’d add Josh Thomas’s Everything’s Gonna Be Okay. I thought it was just a beautiful dramedy that was so well cast and acted. 

As a childless by choice person, I don’t understand why anyone in my same situation would ever give parenting advice. Just like I don’t want to keep hearing, ‘you’ll change your mind someday’ and ‘you’ll regret it if you don’t have kids, they’re such a blessing’, I don’t want parents to have to hear ‘I think you

Thanks for this. I was completely lost. 

I seemed like in her first attack, the men that looked at her eyes kind of disintegrated. I think it's a medusa kind of thing. And then after she took down the ark, she took out her eyes so she didn't hurt the children and covered the sockets so as not to scare them. At least, that's how I read it. 

They were not able to save all the, for lack of a better word, suitcases, from their ship before it fell down that hole. I assumed the rest of the embryos were in those. 

We have a GPM family subscription that is paid monthly and the subscription will just carry over. I would assume yours will be the same. 

I admire your dedication. And if you do get a chance to see it with a live orchestra, you absolutely need to. The Minnesota Orchestra did it like 2 summers ago and it was amazing. 

Thanks for this. It’s nobody’s job but my own to educate me, but it’s good to have a list to check against. 

My husband and I are doing the exact same thing! I think that’s what makes the show so stupid fun. You get to judge people from the safety of your own home while knowing full well you’d never be able to do any of it. 

My favorite part of the internet is not being able to make even the most inane comment without having a couple of dudes try to explain it to me! 

That line was almost life changing for me. How had I not seen how dumb it is not to be able to compare fruit before?