
The whole authentic self thing drives me nuts because if your songs about being a teenage white girl criminal are truly authentic, why the fuck did you date a cop? 

I regret that I have but one star to give. We ARE the virus. 


Lili Reinhart had a small role in Hustlers and got some critical praise for it, but I think otherwise you’re going to be right on this.

I’m incredibly happy to report that it’s completely delicious without the ice. I would, however, recommend using ice cold milk.

I've been coming back to this for a week now and I think I'm going to try it today. However, I care less about the presentation and more about drinking a combo of two of my favorite things. So I'm going to skip the ice and just let the fluff mix with the milk. I don't see why that won't be a winner. 

Crapids? Yeah, I don’t go there. 

Hello fellow Minnesotan. I, too, hate Andover. 

Personally, I’m still really into this show. I can forgive a lot as long as I still get both Merritt Wever and Domhnall Gleeson. But I completely understand most of your criticisms and am enjoying your reviews!

Now You See Me: Tokyo Drift

I’m looking forward to watching this. My husband and I saw them here in Minneapolis on their tour where the topic was IVF, which they were both pretty confused about. Middleditch thought it was birth control and Schwartz had no idea of the overall process. It made for an incredibly funny show. 

So, I decided to give Fringe a try a few weeks ago, in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic and self isolation/quarantine. This episode, while the science was iffy, was crazy pertinent right now and not just a little bit scary. 

I was starting to think about looking for a job before all this. My company is a little unstable right now (even without considering Covid-19) due a buyout and then some leadership changes. I was thinking I didn’t want to be around to see more of it. But, I’m pretty certain my job is safe for a while. So, I’ve had a

Drop in from the future: The whole Two Singles Together thing reminded me of New Girl’s I’m Single and I’m Sufficient (ISIS).

My usual comfort show is New Girl, so I’m on probably my 9th rewatch of that. And my new comfort show is Everything’s Gonna Be Okay. Only one season, on Hulu, as the show just wrapped up. But it’s soooo good!

We’ve used Peeps for the shank bone for as long as I can remember. I have no idea how it started. I can’t explain it at all. But I’m sure it makes us bad Jews. Lol. 

This is a good point. But we are paying her 75% of her rate, not 50% and have plans to check in with her at the next time she’d normally be here and see how she’s doing. And we have been financially impacted by the pandemic, albeit less so than many others.

The fact that these people have a nanny come and help them raise their children but won’t pay that nanny at least something if they decide not to have her come during this is gross. It tells you something about how they view this woman.

Welcome! Looking forward to hearing more of your perspective! 

Yup. I volunteer with an abortion fund and advocacy non profit that does an annual fundraising event in early April that nets us most of our funds for the year (usually around $80k). This is going to hit a lot of abortion non-profits and clinics really hard.