Lots of rich people, or young party people, totally ignoring all this shit and not wearing masks? Sounds ultra-realistic to me, not that I’m happy about it or anything.
Lots of rich people, or young party people, totally ignoring all this shit and not wearing masks? Sounds ultra-realistic to me, not that I’m happy about it or anything.
Lots of rich people, or young party people, totally ignoring all this shit and not wearing masks? Sounds ultra-realistic to me, not that I’m happy about it or anything.
I know the feeling: I prefer Female Shepard but love Tali to death. : (
Honestly I wouldn’t mind having a camera view like this assigned to like L2 or something for Sonic Mania 2 just so that I can plan out a route ahead!
Fun fact: this is exactly what the weekly quests have been!
This is a far lesser crime than flipping the functionality of the button itself. I STILL can’t get used to it!
Does the Series X not come with a charge cable?
As far as I understand, pog stands for “Play of the Game”. Then it got verb-ized into a word that means “DOPE I DID IT!!”, and then Pog Champ for “I’m the best at this shit”.
I was actually totally expecting this to be a Syndicate reference considering that game was set in London!
Goku collectors are left wondering what fate awaits their beautiful sons
PT is the best I can think of.
But Super isn’t the original manga either? Or the Bardock Special, and stuff like that?
erased from canon by Dragon Ball Super.
Fair, but it wasn’t exactly hidden in Sony’s marketing and so I felt it was worth pointing out right at the start as an acknowledgement.
Yeah I think Luke calling it a mystery isn’t just pushing it, but like, lying? Did he not realize this video existed??
I remember reading about a movie that used this trick to help accomplish a single-take shot that passed into the window of a car, past the driver and then down the other side of the car; a camera operator hid as the empty passenger seat and had the camera handed off to him for the interior part of the camera move.
I love this too! The first couple times* I’d do a goodbye salute as they go off into the distance. It’s like golf and baseball! And on Story Difficulty you can one-shot all the base wildlife with the Heavy Weapon, it’s SO FUN!
I found it too heavy in the handling: ramming them from behind in any ol’ car was more than good enough for me!
Honestly an entire gallery like this could be made JUST around Burnout.