
Lots of rich people, or young party people, totally ignoring all this shit and not wearing masks? Sounds ultra-realistic to me, not that I’m happy about it or anything.

Lots of rich people, or young party people, totally ignoring all this shit and not wearing masks? Sounds ultra-realistic to me, not that I’m happy about it or anything.

I know the feeling: I prefer Female Shepard but love Tali to death. : (

Honestly I wouldn’t mind having a camera view like this assigned to like L2 or something for Sonic Mania 2 just so that I can plan out a route ahead!

Fun fact: this is exactly what the weekly quests have been!

This is a far lesser crime than flipping the functionality of the button itself. I STILL can’t get used to it!

Does the Series X not come with a charge cable?

As far as I understand, pog stands for “Play of the Game”. Then it got verb-ized into a word that means “DOPE I DID IT!!”, and then Pog Champ for “I’m the best at this shit”.

I was actually totally expecting this to be a Syndicate reference considering that game was set in London!

Goku collectors are left wondering what fate awaits their beautiful sons

PT is the best I can think of.

But Super isn’t the original manga either? Or the Bardock Special, and stuff like that?

erased from canon by Dragon Ball Super.

Honestly I was expecting this:

Fair, but it wasn’t exactly hidden in Sony’s marketing and so I felt it was worth pointing out right at the start as an acknowledgement.

Now playing

Yeah I think Luke calling it a mystery isn’t just pushing it, but like, lying? Did he not realize this video existed??

I remember reading about a movie that used this trick to help accomplish a single-take shot that passed into the window of a car, past the driver and then down the other side of the car; a camera operator hid as the empty passenger seat and had the camera handed off to him for the interior part of the camera move.

I love this too! The first couple times* I’d do a goodbye salute as they go off into the distance. It’s like golf and baseball! And on Story Difficulty you can one-shot all the base wildlife with the Heavy Weapon, it’s SO FUN!

I found it too heavy in the handling: ramming them from behind in any ol’ car was more than good enough for me!

Honestly an entire gallery like this could be made JUST around Burnout.