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    This and Blackstreet's no diggity made 1996 worth living!

    I thought Ashanti was a strong songwriter , then she tried her hand at singing. Kinda like Keri Hilson, but Keri can sing tho.

    Rock hates that bit too, as 90s person I would say it wasn't respectability thing during that time more like thug mentality was really popular, and college people, blerds etc were out of style, so when he spoke like that it was like "yes!" We exist in popular culture but yeah it has not aged well.

    My pt it's just a bad joke, and kind of lazy of him really, but I was told it's setup to talking about his racist grandmom so maybe the video lacks context, His reaction to the lady was abhorrent tho.

    So I guess the video lacked context? I'm not mad he said it, I just thought it seemed lazy racial humor, and then the way he acted after was disrespectful.

    I can laugh a racial joke but how is this a joke? "there's still two rules in the fucking Latino family. Don’t marry somebody black, " It's not witty no satire or irony. What's funny about that ? the joke that Latinos are racist? then try to be funny like our version if she can't use your comb don't bring her

    To the extent that you should be yourself regardless of making people uncomfortable I agree, but to be antagonistic is a little too much effort, I really don't want to think about white people that much.

    So I am woman :) but also a Black Greek. Not sure why he shades Kappas more than anyone else. It's almost like an obbession.

    Yeah, I don't get the Kappa shade, he must have traumatized by one in college. I hate those Kappas, they stole my…

    The president has really had to straddle fence. It's been very precarious position had he come out the way the author might have liked he might not have had a second term. I'm sure Dr. King, wanted to say a lot more things than he did, but that's difference between being the president and writer, he isn't as free

    The best thing eva!

    Jenkins is a Welsh name so that's where all your "white" Jenkins are.

    No actually Malt liquor, Coors and heineken if you were fancy. Craft Beer might be delicious, but also quite soft. And if you weren't there you don't know the scene young buck! TBH, my grandparents ( silents) were crazier than my parent ( boomers)!

    How do you know that, what's your evidence? like Hippies, ancient greeks, romans, I mean Karma Sutra… people throughout time have been kinky. Special snowflake syndrome indeed. My city had a vibrant BDSM scene in 80-90s and now the millennials, care about craft beers and adult ping-pong.

    lol I guess the rest of us got here from mitosis! Thanks Millennials :)

    nah it's just millennials like to take credit for things they didn't do much like boomers. Rock'n'roll, and civil rights are actually the silent generation not Boomers, the Internet economy, blogging, dance music or as you call ( EDM) started by us. But you're right times were tougher but we had a lot more fun!

    what technology did you create? Personal computers are from boomers, internet is Gen X, Millennials are social apps, but without PCs or internet you don't have that :) A bit of grandiosity from Millennials, I read somehwhere they you all think you invented s**. You all tew much!

    Who are you to determine what is for whom? IJS he looks good and in Europe people of all ages dress trendy and fashionable so

    Unfortunately not everyone can rock skinnies, that's where I believe the hate comes in :)