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    Why does someone dressing fashionable mean they want to be a millennial? I mean the clothes he is wearing prolly designed by Gen Xer or older anyway. The only problem I have w/millennials like boomers think they world began with them, like they invented everything. lol

    Shopping Banana Republic is not OK, try J Crew, at least they try to spice up boring work clothes

    Thank you!!!

    Did you see the look on his face? He knew he had been busted. You don't ever have to listen to the people's words, bc usually their face betrays their thoughts.

    The brother is suspicious AH. After only five days, he expects to find a body? WTF? He knows her passwords? Weird!

    The brother and the ex are suspicious. Look always don't judge how people grieve but When they were still looking, he used the past tense, like she "was". Then after five days of her being missing, he was like sic … "i Don't know what we should hope…to find a body?" I can't imagine saying that about family