Kazuhira (master) Miller

I’m sure a lot of it has to do with the way the company’s opinions have changed after the hacks, but Nintendo has always been bizarrely secretive when it comes to their internal procedures and processes.

Did he not make MGS2, MGS3, MGS4, MGS5, MGS:PW, or Death Stranding? I could have sworn he was behind each of them.

I suspect - no he didn’t.

Metal Gear Rising -> Trump happens

I’m not being a smart ass when I ask this, an I’m not a mandatory court reporter so I’ve never done the training but...

I just remembered I had a 7th grade teacher who was constantly being calledMr. Sexy” by a female student. It was rough. He was clearly horrified by it. I wonder how that girl is doing now and what was really going on with her.

When I was growing up, my sister and I weren’t allowed to go to slumber parties. A few years ago, I asked my mother why, and here’s what she (a mandatory court reporter) said:

I know when I’m a single parent with no income, I always take on a bunch of debt to go to grad school.

There are many good and totally legitimate games that got their start as fangames. I am almost sure this company was attempting to go that route

What was the plan; how did they see themselves getting away with this?

Don’t conflate this bullshit grift with actual fanart. And also dispense with that dumbass conspiracy theory while you’re at it.

They really called their currency “pokes hard”?

Well, they HAVE been without their main clients ever since Car Talk went off the air

Call of Duty on PC practically flatlined between Black Ops 2 and Warzone. What are you smoking?

Regardless of if these folks’ suits have merit, a lot of people really want this merger to go through, and it’s really weird. Y’all must work for the company; it’s the only explanation.

Because Sony didn’t buy a studio to get the rights to either games. GoW was developed by a in-house studio and Spiderman... yea well, blame Marvel for giving Sony more than just the movie rights on that one.

Its a monopoly when you have control, not when you exercise the control, per se

Dude, the second-most-recent CoD game game 2x the number of copies on PS as on XBox.

And there are more console players than PC players.  

Never compare what you know in your small circle to the rest of the world.

You’re right, comments like yours are hilarious. This level of naivete from you could only be parody.