Kazuhira (master) Miller

Are you sure Sam isn’t known as Black Falcon?

This obsession that people have with pretending only second to second gameplay matter is weird

It’s four characters who run through a map, killing waves of enemies along the way to get the next checkpoint

Guardians of the Galaxy struck gold, but I got the sense that The Suicide Squad and Peacemaker didn’t have the same wide appeal with general audiences.

Is the Fox News host invoking QAnon or antisemitic blood libel conspiracy theories?

that the star of the Jurassic World movies will be playing the Jedi

A dub has not been announced for the series yet, but most Gundam shows do get one. A fact I’m grateful for, considering the technobabble and... inspired proper nouns 0ften leave me wondering if I’ve missed some context. That was especially true with the first few episodes of Iron Blooded Orphans and honestly most of

are both new to the game and play together and I have a win rate of 20% and he has a win rate of about 30%.

CB seemed like a second season would have greatly improved upon the first, since they had moved past most of the “obligatory” scenes they needed to recreate from the original. And they’d gotten feedback about what audiences actually liked (the chemistry of the leads) instead of just the executives’ formulaic and

I guess that counts as a TV show instead of a movie, but you’ve got a good point.

My first boyfriend (high school) asked me why I wanted to learn how to get off, as it didn’t seem worth the hassle

“The whole internet? Ooh! Let’s see how the first season [goes]. Maybe so.”

Maybe you’re mad because you can’t simply kill him?

2) Nobody is on comms anyway, despite how necessary it might be. Besides,there are enough in-game voice lines that your character can say you’ve spotted an enemy or you’ll flank from a certain direction.

That is surprisingly reassuring. And I say that as someone who was already skeptical that public health could be improved by banning new gas kitchens (considering the lack of studies on the impact of their emissions rather than simple the presence of the second-hand-smoke-like emissions).

Syfy has aired a bunch of superhero movies from The Asylum with comparable budget, so there is obviously an audience. But half the fun there is watching how close the movies can get to copyright infringement without crossing the line. The other half is mocking the absurdity of the visual effects.

Gizmodo reached out to Wolfgramm’s attorney, who is listed as Hutch Fale of the Utah-based Avery Bursdal & Fale

The whole internet thought the first movie was going to be like MiB but with ghost, whereas I kept thinking it would like Bleach but without samurai. Now Bleach is back with the TYBW, and you want me to think it is a coincidence that this is back as well?

Depending on his service length E-5 is a very normal rank to ETS at

but we do know that the “cohesion” of the military is built on playing up male and American chauvinism and independent thinking is not encouraged.