Kazuhira (master) Miller

I knew about the falling because I once sabotaged a rope bridge so it was too unstable to cross unless you slowly walked, but the enemies ran after me and fell to their deaths, despite knowing they had to move slowly when because they had done so when they didn’t realize I was around.

I suspect the microtargetting isn’t about specific candidates, but specific issues. I don’t know about online stuff, but regular TV ads in my area seem to target specific zip codes with seniors when they try to convince you that changes to medical laws are bad, or low income zip codes when they talk about too many

The real Overwatch 2 is the PvE narrative campaign coming next year as far as I’m concerned.

Both consoles have a history of terrible interfaces with third party developers, which is part of the reason there was only one beta test for consoles and why the PTR has never been an option on console.

Trolling is when the user dicktator attempts to communicate with people via kinja.

Racist smooth-brains might wanna do their research before they try trolling on the internet: Li Wenwen from China is just one of many olympic gold medalist.

This only applies to the U.S. from what I’ve seen. Parts of Asia aren’t even requiring a phone number at all (yet).

why don’t they just have players use the blizzard Authenticator instead?

I’m still salty about the time I tried to do this with Metal Gear Solid 3, only have the game decide that several deaths were my fault:

This sort of feels like those attempts to launch the Valiant Cinematic Universe; the train has left the station, if it was ever really there at all.

But if it was confirmed as fully consensual,

or toxic work environment...

I’m betting that you never go to youtube without being logged in to your account. They make it to the top recommendations every few weeks because they are constantly getting millions of views.

Oh, okay. Well if that’s your point of contention then I will again have to agree with you. We still don’t know what leverage Putin had over Trump’s finances in 2015 after all. The narrative of a useful idiot that exceeded expectations is just as likely the narrative of a thin skinned reality TV host, or any number of

It’s a fun construction, but it relies on a massive stacking of inferences, each relying on the one underneath it

I don’t think we can draw as direct a line between Obama making fun of Trump to the present predicament

Speaking of Stark, this news has definitely gotten my wheels turning over a question I’ve been pondering for the last several weeks. What if—just hear me out, now—what if, they bring him back?

most cancer patients have weakened immune systems even before chemotherapy is initiated, so even usually non-harmful microbes can in fact be opportunistic pathogens

But what that mouth do?