Kazuhira (master) Miller

Does a lifetime appointment really mean that Amy CB keeps her job if we find out she killed someone?

A. As somebody who has had to deal with that disingenuous-ness in person, I’ve found that re-iterating up front can cut off some of the less committed trolls. YMMV, and I can see why others wouldn’t bother.

She is specifically called a middle school teacher, and it isn’t uncommon for people to begin high school by the time they turn 13 years old.

A. Because you just know someone in the comments is going to claim they are confused why “they” is being used as a third-person-singular pronoun.

By impressing Snyder of course.

It sounds like Austin is right about your lack of introspection regarding your attraction to a person’s gender rather than their sex.

men really don’t understand what women find attractive in them.

I think you mean for bigots, not straight people. Just like your example of bigoted gay men.

The movie was greenlit specifically for streaming and was never intended to be in theaters. If they are honestly “cutting their losses” it would be because they don’t think it can draw new subscribers to the service.

You know you’re late to the party when even Disney movies have made fun of people being scandalized by it.

I don’t know what angle her attorneys can take that will keep her out of prison.

I’m still predicting Wright’s character will be killed off just before the climax of the movie. There’s so much emphasis on Bassett’s line about her entire family being gone, and to me it sounds like a plea for some else (the new BP?) to avenge them.

Please have the DOJ get on that, sir.

Is it possible they want to purposely lower the quality of the public school system so they can then justify funneling students (and funding) toward private religious schools?

my wife hates the thought of having those big units mounted at the top of the walls

It feels strange for me to be rooting this story to be true about a scene so gruesome that the cameraman passed out. Because the only alternative I can think of is that the heat wave this week (with heat index readings above 105F for much of North America) caused an employee to collapse.

Yeah, based purely on their tone I was confident that they aren’t paying for porn.

Also, I for one am happy to weather this storm by consuming more girl-on-girl content. In solidarity. It will be difficult, but I’m willing to suffer through it.

I never figured out if that was a regional dialect thing or unique to her.

If you think they spent more than a week in law school, would you like to buy my bridge?