If you haven’t played it yet, this game is absolutely worth the time. Heck, even if you have played it it’s worth the time. Easily one of my favorite games ever made.
If you haven’t played it yet, this game is absolutely worth the time. Heck, even if you have played it it’s worth the time. Easily one of my favorite games ever made.
And they call the act ... The Aristocrats!
Why is this a video rather than an article? I would read an article. I am not going to watch a 15 minute video.
Thanks for the video that I’m not going to watch for something that could just as easily be text I could read at my own pace.
COUNTERPOINT: She’ll elevate the shit out of it, because she can, and takes pride in doing just that.
Except that’s exactly what the movie industry did to comic books and the superhero genre.
Trying real hard not to let loose some anger and/or take it real personal that the video game-film genre has a huge chance at gaining legitimacy through Cate Blanchett’s casting... and Kotaku’s only take is to have one of its reviewers remind us that he doesn’t like Borderlands.
You may be confused . The last Indiana Jones and the last crusade was released in 1989. Not sure what this 2008 Indiana Jones you’re talking about is.
Ronald D. Moore had written for TNG (he did most of the Klingon arcs), so when Worf moved over to DS9, he went over as well. In those later seasons of DS9, he explored all of the issues he’d go deeper on with Battlestar Galactica—loyalty, trust, sacrifice, an enemy that lives among us. BSG was just DS9 with some of…
I’m looking forward to this; I loved the original Penny Dreadful and the trailers for this iteration looked good. Plus, they shot some scenes in the intersection right in front of my house, so I’m looking forward to seeing my house in the background of some shots... unless that scene got cut. Damn you, Hollywood!
Honestly, I think Hayden Christensen has more on-screen chemistry with Tommy Wiseau inserted in AotC than Natalie Portman.
I disagree. I’d much rather have a well-paced 20 hour game than a game stretched to 40 hours. Almost no games are Witcher 3 best-of-both-worlds.
I had to pause the intro of the ep when Ball of Confusion stopped so I could listen to the whole song. The music in this series is really well done so far.
Maybe this makes me a bad person, but at this point I’m just following Fallout 76 news for the entertainment value.
The final piece is:
He has a base. He knows what they like. It’s that simple.
It could be even argued that it is worse than just “some viewers dont like this”. There is a good argument that these conspiracy theories are coming from an anti-semitic place.
Oh haven’t you heard? The Kotaku brand of staunch pro-Epic defenders will happily tell you that “the Epic store isn’t missing anything that’s actually important”. I’m not even kidding, I’ve seen someone try to argue that “a shopping card isn’t an important feature for an online store”, and focusing on it just…
The development roadmap still exists, they just no longer put how long it will be until those features are implemented.
Man even when there hasn’t been any recent review bombs or harassment you guys still manage to write an article about it. How about an article about how Epic has abandoned their Epic store development roadmap? Seems like news to me that the company throwing millions at exclusives cant seem to get even the most basic…