L'homme qui rit

*pours corn flakes into a bowl*

Is his discourtesy unspeakably ugly to you?

You're forgetting about America's most beloved character, Gilly!

*cutaway to a 3 minute exchange of vaguely pedophile-ish sounds and chuckling*

Well, Jack's getting old. 7 PM means watching Jeopardy! in bed and lights out after final.

Nothing says "gay agenda" like having two women initiate a threesome.

Ah, points! Pac-Man had it, therefore so does every video game ever.

When you host/star in a reality TV show, what you say and do publicly has an effect on your job performance. It's not the same as working at Walmart, and getting fired for protesting at abortion clinics, for example, off hours. What some random cashier at some random Walmart says and does in their free time has no

NO SPOILERS for the infamous "last supper" scene, please.

Well, I'll grant you this…you know your pies.

You make a good point, sir, however I must respectfully disagree because HORDE OVER ALLIANCE!

Rue, according to people who don't understand what the words they read mean, apparently.

I'm avoiding it, just so a selection of "Because you watched the Brony documentary" videos don't haunt my netflix account forever.

The AV Club

What, is there no word for "love-story" in Russian?

I wouldn't watch it on CNN, if only because they're likely to interrupt it for breaking news that somewhere in the ocean debris has been found that may or may not be a piece of the plane!

I mean, what's next, Snap and Pop?

The HBO CEO of Tits will greatly appreciate the Caligula season.

Yeah, but catholic schoolgirl has shiksappeal,

Seems about right for the UK to say.