L'homme qui rit

They've tried nothing and they're all out of ideas!

They need to put Chris Hardwick in charge of this thing!

I hope #CancelSwift catches on. Someone needs to stop that Irish-hating monster before it's too late!

Could you dumb it down a shade?

What I don't understand is, when people say "Well what if it was a WHITE MAN doing blah blah blah"….there would probably be little more than backlash on twitter/social media and extensive news coverage….which is exactly what's happening here.

Lee Tergesen has aged remarkably well.

I'm sure calling Animal House "American College" did wonders for the French population's perception of American education

I serve at the pleasure of the president. *wink*

Sorry if I think that expressing outrage at a show for its perceived racism by stereotyping americans is a bit hypocritical.

so not the anti-american tweeters, then?

Alice of Arabia's time has come, Brooke. It is tweeted.

And that is the terrible and secret fate of all life…

It's rare to see a DD in the two lowest denominations, which is where most people start out to get a "feel" for the categories. Also it gives Chu a chance to catch his opponents off guard and snag the higher value clues, making it more difficult for his opponents to catch up.

Well at least they didn't go with, "Mama Mia! The sun is merely a spicy meatball, one of many on the plate of spaghetti that is the cosmos!"

But eating a William Blake painting > eating part of Ray Liotta's brain.


An episode of television ending with a song by the mountain goats!? *impulsively loads up season 3 of Moral Orel*

Those Who Trespass: A Television Show of a Novel of Television and Murder

I think it's "Beer, Trucks, Tight Jeans, and Jesus"

Alcoholics, the unemployable, angry loners…