L'homme qui rit

$77 per hour? Do you shoot magic coins out of your ass? If so, squat and produce!

Does your ass have its own congressman?

Depression? You can't eat that!

I was conceived around the time "Life on the Fast Lane" aired…but I'm sure there's no connection.

Bronson, Missouri alone elevates it, I think.

Well they can execute prisoners in their local jail, so…

Well maybe something happens on the way to work…

I feel like we should rastafy them by….10% or so.

Jamie Heller sends his regards!

It was a bit strange when Clint Dempsey kept on shouting, "You raped my sister! You murdered her! You killed her children"

Good night, sweet prince.

I'm pretty sure the app will be launching birds dressed like Autobots at pigs dressed like Decepticons. Get your facts straight, Barsanti!

The K-19? You don't wanna go down that run…

501, please.

Yes, the show is quite nautical. Many scenes with boats. Your point?

Fred and George………twincest!

He should begin all his shows with, "I'm starving! I ain't had nothing but maggoty bread for three stinking days!"

The AV Club
They think they have a good union, but they don't. They're basically slaves.

Now I'm just seeing Andy Bernard hovering around Hannibal and calling him "Big Tuna"

Hey now these aren't supposed to be reasonable.