
I heard the back of a VW is a very uncomfortable place :) 

I think it looks kind of okay with the top down, but top-up? Good lord no.

Simply whipping out a debit or credit card to charge your car is another problem that’s not being addressed, mostly because you can’t just simply do that.

Tesla of Theseus

Mazda6 Wagon. Though it looks like the only places where you can get the turbo engine is in RHD countries. So while technically they may not sell LHD wagons with the turbo, I am going with that. Alas, I don’t think there are any countries where you can get the turbo with a manual.

The Golf R station wagon. Never understood why VW never made the effort. This thing would have sold like hot cakes. I would have definitely bought one

I’m nominating my current car that I’ve had for two years now.

The Challenger hands down. Sure it’s alot bigger than it’s elder, but they captured the look extremely well. I wanted to say the new countach, but that’s a little too modern looking in respects to the old one and they didn’t even include the wing.

Do they want Balrogs?  Because that’s how you get Balrogs.

No further comment necessary.

Dealers stocking only high end cars, Manufactures only making high end models. They both say “see people are not buying lower priced cars”

My valentine loves when I give her the meat.

I had a 05 Legacy GT wagon with a 5 speed. It was great fun.

“Write our articles for us!!!”

Agree about sunroofs for the reasons you cite. I also like having them to vent while the car is parked.

I’m one of the odd ones who’s perfectly fine sticking with 1080p at 60fps forever.

I get all DeLorean, especially in that color.

This thing would be incredible if that god damn grill didn’t ruin it. I’ll buy a body kit for mine when I can buy one in 25 years

Always thought these were hideous.

Yea but then you’re supporting the shithole that is Walmart