
Wow - That Lexus RZ is seven kinds of ugly.

And they lose the plastic...everything.


Exactly. The Protege was a mini-wagon that looked great. Sure it was slow and under-powered. Everything was in that time frame. There’s a white one parked a few houses away from me that always makes me wonder what could have been.

This is what everyone is thinking

But air resistance is limitless

Coasting. Learning how NOT use the brakes and look/plan ahead and maintain safe distances from everything and generally keep moving in traffic. Constantly starting/stopping while trying to be as close the bumper in front of you helps no one and only increases frustration. And its more efficient.

Came here to see how many people reminisced about the ‘last good Legacy’ (2005-2009). Was not disappointed.

The TT has always looked something from the 90's. Hard pass on those. The RS6 Avant is sex on wheels and I will fight anyone that says otherwise.

That color and wheel choice definitely aren’t doing it any favors. I think the nose cutouts and creases pull away from the overall look. Seems a bit thick up front.

I believe the 2 long black strips (check local listings) on the side are also internal bolsters designed to give rigidity and strength in case of a side impact. They would be at the kid’s shoulder and hip respectively and would thus add more protection if ever struck or it rolls over.

Lucky enough that it will go right over my house. Schools are taking the day off. Working from home. I don’t plan on doing shite. I’m sure the local hotels are all booked with gawkers. All the more reason to stay home.

Upset about turning almost 50% profit in the span of a few weeks by merely owning, not driving or improving, an automotive eyesore? GTFO

I’ve already told my kid the answer to this question: The one sitting in our driveway right now. Don’t buy a new or new-ish car for a teen driver. Give them the car you’re currently tooling around in. You know how it’s been treated, how its been driven, what been done to it and what hasn’t been done to it. Why

I’m sorry but no. The rear bumper has a lower bumper (with lights!). Its like the Chevy Silverado with the 2-level grille that everyone derides. And that “ledge” that follows from the rear wheel arches into one of the bumpers...Why? You can’t sit on it. Oh it also has triple grilles/openings in front for no apparent

The fact they stayed upright is surprising. I would some significant road repairs in that intersection.

Never understood the underbody lights or in the fender wells. Is that in case they drop their keys at night? Changing a tire in the dark? 

Not sure if its a good thing or a bad thing, but some of the Indianapolis area schools are taking that day off to watch it. More people at home running around doing other things but also less schools buses or kids being driven around. 

The airport in my town bought up hundreds of acres of land and homes all to the southwest of the airport. Why? Because that’s where all the runways point. They used to get all kinds of noise complaints from people under the flight path. So they bought the people out and cleared the land. Its empty fields and farms

That side profile in silver reminds me of a shark or a barracuda. Not sure why. Not a huge fan of the nose and how the hood cuts under the front grill. Looks pinched off. Might look better in real life.