Kay Tor

Maybe you are in his book of names!

According to my brother, the lesson of Cat

Oh man, I'm embarrassed to say I read like twenty five Xanth books from the time I was fourteen to the time I was twenty before realizing that when you strip away all the puns and fan service, the man couldn't write a character to save his life. Bink is strong. Bink is nice. Isn't Bink strong and nice? See Bink run.

I read BSLS as a kid, but the only memorable things about it are how little asshole Karen is always bragging about her rich's parents' sweet custody agreement that gets her two of everything, and the one book where her life is temporarily ruined because the hairdresser gives her a mullet. We've all been there, kid.

Where The Red Fern Grows destroyed me. It's bad enough that one dog dies from his heroically obtained injuries, but then having the other dog actually DIE OF SADNESS at his loss?!

That Kusanagi one is a little more fetish than fandom for my comfort....

Man, where was this young lady when I was 12? We could have been great pals!

OH! Poor Florida Man! Could this be his last misadventure?

I found this book at my mom's house.

I just watched The Stepford Wives, which makes that image extra squicky.

I will relate My most excruciating moment in limerick if I may:

Lost Odyssey is my favorite Final Fantasy.

"Lifetime presents [finger painting]: The story of [dying of dysentary]."

You know what this list needs? More Simon Pegg.

Definitely. I'd skip the sequel though. :(

Finally! I have been telling everyone about this movie since seeing it last year! I mean, my god, a CHIMPANZEE WITH A STRAIGHT RAZOR OUT OF FUCKNG NOWHERE! You just can't beat an ending that bizarre!