Kay Tor

How could anyone not love a creature who makes faces like this?^^^

That’s very true. My smoke detector went off yesterday (burnt toast- whoops) and after fanning the smoke, I checked on the pups. The terrier, Zuul, was alert and watching me to see if she should be concerned, settling right down when she saw it was business as usual, but my poor rottie boy, Gozer, was cowering by the

So, is this what’s wrong with Donald Trump?

I love Anne Gifs.

I used to think so too, but then I reread the books after 1) growing up and 2) studying textiles. that second time around, I really came to appreciate the old biddies, especially Marilla’s and Mrs. Lynde’s friendship, which has its moments of dry hilarity.

Mark my words, Marilla.

This was my first thought, verbatim.

Why are you guys wasting people’s time and bandwidth giving press to this sad pile of hate? It would be cool to see some coverage of Rye Silverman or some other talented up and comer.

Geez, the resolve it must take for an educator to go to work and daily face a class full of Billy Madisons. Depressing.

As a lady working in security I must offer my professional observation that a great many nuts and creeps or some wonderous combination of the two frequently find work in this perpetually understaffed field. Oh the stories I could tell, like the socially awkward victim of a raging case of “idiot who thinks hes’s the

I like the image and all, but it could really use some Littlest Hobo.

Degrassi was more than just Drake, you Broomheads.

Thanks for sharing. Hearing how much of a positive impact her kindness had on you is welcome encouragement to a much less glamorous lady in a similar position.

Sandler should have just gotten a bunch of Italian characters with super mario whiskers and I don’t , open shirts (what does hollywood Italian like?) and had them lovingly raise his character with delicious pasta and loads of moxie. Or maybe even actual Asian Indians. either of options would be more absurd and funny

I like Natalie wood, but her Maria makes westside story cringingly unwatchable to me. Well, almost. That choreography, ya know?

Think of the embarrassment Sean Connery must feel for ending his career with this awful turd (At least Zardoz was delightfully WTF)!

Ken Follett’s The Pillers of The Earth appealed to me in large part due to its earthy focus on everyday people trying to live their lives in a crazy time. The Stars adaptation tried to make it a knockoff Game of Thrones and pulled the focus toward the royals, added unnecessary creepy incest and sex, and (the thing

This is the perfect movie to watch with your mom when you've both been drinking.

he looks make me think of a ethically bankrupt Canadian prime minister trying on a fat suit.

Are you me?