Kay Tor

OH! Poor Florida Man! Could this be his last misadventure?

I found this book at my mom's house.

I just watched The Stepford Wives, which makes that image extra squicky.

I will relate My most excruciating moment in limerick if I may:

Lost Odyssey is my favorite Final Fantasy.

I's not fake, but evidence that she works for Carmen Sandiego.

Agreed. Get back to us after you have read the Books of Blood.

"Lifetime presents [finger painting]: The story of [dying of dysentary]."

You know what this list needs? More Simon Pegg.

Definitely. I'd skip the sequel though. :(

Finally! I have been telling everyone about this movie since seeing it last year! I mean, my god, a CHIMPANZEE WITH A STRAIGHT RAZOR OUT OF FUCKNG NOWHERE! You just can't beat an ending that bizarre!