
Yep, what you described is basically me. I wish I knew what would help - therapy has never really helped me "get over" my feelings, but has given me little tools to help manage - but even those are more so for my depression, which is cyclical, than my body/eating issues.

Dave Franco > James Franco.

Team Ashley I for Bachelor in Paradise!

Someone broke Megyn Kelly and I'm loving every. fucking. second.

Um…wait. What the hell is happening here? Crazies gonna cray cray cray cray cray.


It works well because they kinda have the same mouth, let's be honest.

Hmm. I have definitely had lovers pulls my tampon out like it was NBD. Shrug.

No, not actual lyrics.

Also, a complete overhaul of our educational system????? Totes doable right?? Abolish for-profit higher ed institutions; examine whether everyone truly needs a 4-year college degree in order to perform certain kinds of work; get rid of completely or limit the use of standardized testing; reconfigure the educational

But it will live in your digestive track, right next to the gum, for all of time because diamonds are FOREVER.

I just got married so I'm still pretty pumped about it and still sharing pics. My engagement ring is an opal with a gold band from Etsy (we picked it together) and the wedding band (upside down in the picture) was a gift from my father in law. He metal detects for fun and has a bag of old wedding bands. We took mine

For the record, you should never do stuff like this for someone you aren't currently dating. So: not for crushes, not for exes you're trying to win back, and not for people you've just started dating either.

Otherwise it just sorta screams "I'm creepily obsessed with you and have no sense of personal boundaries."

Alternate Take:

Guys are really bad at not weirding out women.

You know the best way to avoid shit like this? Don't have guns.

I'm sorry to hear about your own recent breakup happening in the same manner. :( Congrats to you on also handling it so well!

As a proud 12, I will happily put in money toward paying the upcoming fine. Lynch is a freaking treasure.

"women get labeled as psycho, bitches, etc. just because they have feelings or opinions that are inconvenient"

Happy Saturday, Jezzies! Rough week here, turned bullet-dodging, blessing-in-disguise better in the end, I think.