
Alert! I’m a former Vickie’s associate and there is hope for you yet. Sometimes during the semi-annual sale (usually June-ish and Christmas-ish) VS will pull out old discontinued scents. I’m not sure how they parcel them out, but sometimes they’re VERY old (think, like, bottles of “Body by Victoria” fragrance from

I loved Beyond Paradise. It was my first grown-up perfume and I must have begged my mom for a bottle for a year before she finally got me one for Christmas. It smells like high school to me but in the best way.

Oh man, I was where you were a year ago and I promise it gets better. It’s the friggin’ worst right now though. Sending you good thoughts, lady.

Real and honest question for everyone — what do you do about the NEXT person that an abuser dates? If you're out of the relationship for whatever reason and doing your best to move forward, do you feel any guilt about the next person? I'm currently in no-contact-at-all-never-ever mode and basically never want to see

For me it was leaving my phone at home. I went for a walk with my mom, left my phone at home, and didn't panic that I wasn't going to be available when he needed me or couldn't check to see if he'd wanted my attention. I didn't have to worry about somebody flipping out at me from miles away just because he felt like

Man, this sounds so familiar to me. Unless I'm at what I've come to call my "fighting weight," my depression basically turns itself up to 11 — staying at that weight, though, requires some pretty serious vigilance. It's so frustrating, especially in the context of relationships — when I feel beautiful and attract

Way to go! This sounds super similar to a really rough breakup I had a few months ago, and the worst part is the surgical excision thing you mentioned — it's so cold and calculated and unkind, and it involves them saying the most unsettling and upsetting things they can think of in an effort to make you go away. It's


Totally agree.

"So you agree, you think you're really pretty?"

Got similarly chucked by manfriend of a few years a couple months back. After a few months of wallowing, friends held my hand while I signed up for OkCupid. First match (at 95%, no less!): the ex. I promptly deleted the account.

My first thought when I heard the news was that someone must have told the First Lady he wasn't well and she wanted to do something kind for him before he passed. There's no way this was an accident — she knows people pay crazy amounts of attention to what she wears and that it would be meaningful.

I dunno, "Simple Kind of Life" sort of gives me a little hope — it's a good reminder that I'm not the only person having a stupid existential panic over whether I'm ever going to get to have the whole kids/family/life partner thing.

YES YES YES YES YES! The world's most perfect dress