Shot through the tongue
Don’t be scared. There is so much more out there (Internet) about things like postpartum depression, other new mom’s feelings, hormone shifts, etc. than there was when I had my son 25 years ago.
Once again:
I hope every person who made snide remarks about how she could go cry on a bag of money now understands that there is no amount of money that can compensate for the loss of child, particularly when your child dies in a painful and unnecessary fashion.
This is so sad. Losing her son in such a horrible way, knowing the killers will likely be acquitted, and being in the center of all of this media attention. I hope that Ms. Darden gets the help she needs and that she can some day find some semblance of peace. She, as well as her whole family, are in my thoughts.
I have liked every single one of Beiber’s recent releases.
The hay episode is the one that always leaps to mind, and the one where they glued wine labels all over a kitchen of a religious couple who didn’t drink.
I vowed that, for the whole month of October, I will de-makeup, wash, medicate (Metrogel), and moisturize my face EVERY SINGLE NIGHT (I am the worst and usually only do it half the time). After extensive research, I bought a Vitamin C serum and some pure grapeseed oil for the moisturizing part because I read that it…
After a whole lot of work, a woman will become the eleventh bride in her family to wear the same 120-year-old…
That’s so awesome! I’ve been doing what I can for battered and homeless women in my own little corner of the world- setting aside money every month to buy tampons, pads, formula and towels for a couple of the women’s shelters in our area. I even bought one of them a new DVD player and some movies for their kids for…
When she said, “There’s not a fake bone in my body. Except for maybe my botox and my eyelashes. Wait - are those even bones? I dunno” I completely lost it. Just amazing.
Honestly, do you have any idea how much this is going to cost me?
I swear to you I blocked this part out or it would have been the best part. I think that I just cringed so hard at the line about the master’s degree that my entire center imploded and forced me to move past it, removing it from my short-term memory before it could become consolidated.
“You poors can huff your gasoline and suck on whipped cream canisters”