
Foxcon kinda reminds me of Google..

Dude is a moron.. this is who people should be complainging about not Jobs... all Jobs does is make magical products and says no to flash.

@aziatiq: its not herpes if thats what u are worried about.. they are iMoles..

This should be titled.. how a stupid guy made an iPad look bad..

"I dont have to change myself to fit the product, it fits me" -Johny Ive

@coffeelover15: now that i cant live with... I currently own the black macbook with no back lit keyboard and all I have ever hoped for was a backlit.. definitely can't go this route..

@Live N Learn: if you plan to resell it then it might not be a bad idea to replace it before it breaks :)

It probably suffers from 'tailgate' as well.. hopefully the bumper makes a difference..

@orangebluedevil: I got the flat one.. however it doesnt exactly look like the band.. its still looks brushed..

@hvrock13: His design decisions are 100% responsible for the companies success today.. I would love to be a clueless idiot billionaire any day..

I ordered the one that claimed to be the Verizon phone few days earlier.. its the flat back not beveled.. I didnt want to add bulk to the iPhone 4's slim profile with beveled back cover.. shipped a few days ago.. still waiting..

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.2: I remember gchat got some video enhancements so maybe it might be better than skype now..i havent tried it since then

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.2: Ummm.. no! I skype with several friends who have mac book pros and the video quality looks HD..

@rudyfrederic: ok pics? you must not know how to use it.. tap to focus makes a HUGE difference... I know people who have gone out to buy the iPhone 4 after seeing the quality of the pics..


OS X Liger

@Xagest: duh! was just about to say the same thing..