
@Rett Gerst: what white icon do u speak of? the ones that randomly appear when u reinstall a new app ?

I carry my iPhone commando.. No protection.. no problems.

@devinxkillyou: I don't know anyone who has every regretted switching.. There is no need for Microsoft brand loyalty.. its like being loyal to getting raped in prison..

@3faced: Now all you need to do it try a Mac.

@justinpe: even worse.. its like facetiming and driving..

wait I just realized they were skydiving and video chatting.. lol..

im sure they are using the facetime protocol.. would be a step in the right direction

hahaha! I'm nigerian so its kinda funny to read this.. Good thing I haven't visited home in like 7 years.. I guess I'll have to take this article with me as a disclaimer to why I wont be scanned..

They must be reffering to FaceTime sex

been doing this for years now..

The Reinvented smartphone..

@theweakend: I aggree about everything else but disagree about the appstore.. I have jailbroken my phone countless times and have finally decided to stop because of the perfomance hits I've seen my phone take. I actually think its a good thing that apple polices their appstore to ensure that we get legit apps. as far

@jizMondo: I see, well in the words of Steve Jobs. "The users are our customers not the cellphone companies" Google or your manufacturers can't push anything to you without your Cell Companies approval because to them Verzion and Tmobile are their customers, they dont really care about the user. Well I guess thats



@mile13: @jizMondo: I see, well in the words of Steve Jobs. "The users are our customers not the cellphone companies" Google or your manufacturers can't push anything to you without your Cell Companies approval because to them Verzion and Tmobile are their customers, they dont really care about the user. Well I