
@talkingstove: @crmurray04: It's not that they don't care about them though, its that they don't know about them. she loves the fact that she can now multitask and play background audio and stuff.. the problem really is because they are not techy they dont know when there is an update and how to do it.. but they do

@tech-tard: hahaha u got jokes.. not funny..

@talkingstove: Yeah cause they don't know how to update and you don't care to help them.. My Girlfriend is on iOS4 so is my sisters iPod Touch..

@mile13: When Apple is concerned soon actually means soon.. Clealry not the same with Android..

@ishigakisensei: Pretend? Lol.. I don't have to. I have several advanced degrees to prove it.. Let me make it easy for you to understand.

@Odin: Navigon's front end isn't that bad.. But as far as Google navigation goes.. I hear you.. nothing beats free.. I will say this, Navigon has some advanced functionality that Google maps doesn't currently have.. but still Google maps is free and works well..

@Solertia: Get navigon and you wouldnt have to wait for google..

@BlunderBus: Cause they need more users.. you can't neglect iOS user... huge numbers..

@Kommandant45: Google wants everyone to use their apps..

@ishigakisensei: Well the video is about people jumping a Camaro and not on how they talk.. A dialect is not a stereotype, its more of a cultural characteristic but I don't expect you to understand that.. I am not mad, I am not African American that's not my dialect that's not my culture, I am calling a spade a spade

@ishigakisensei: I'm sorry but there's nothing stereotypical about their behavior. If you ask me stunts like these are stereotypes of white folks, just like kids shooting up a school or a recently fired employee shooting up his office building or killing himself an his family those are white stereotypes. Dumb people

@gfysmcfgs: Why does it have to be about color? couldnt it just be people.. I think they are morons but morons come in all colors.. +

@5speed: The iPhone reinvented the smartphone.. with the capacitive multitouch screens, Multitouch gestures, accelerometers, the interenet, ipod app, maps, how you use your phone and what you use it for .. they changed all that.. They gave birth to the Modern day smartphone android, web os, windows 7 and BB OS 6 all

If his voice was a bit deeper he would sound like seth rogan..

ipad is not on ios 4 yet.. when that happens things will change

@dappernat: that's cause u don't know how to use your tool..

@EvilDroidClone: iPhone sucks on Tmobile no 3G data... u need an iPhone 4 on AT&T to really experience it..

@ddhboy: you dont have an iphone 4 though.. u have an ipod touch... huge difference.. you can run opera mini on iOS by the way as far as alternate browsers go..

iPad wins! smoother better, prettier and more polished. Did I mention extrememely functional?