@trs: hahaha! looks like him..
@trs: hahaha! looks like him..
If you ask me the PS3 is more for the casual gamer... Xbox 360 with xbox live is structured better for the hardcore online gamer.. I have both so I'm not biased.. Once I got my 360 my PS3 became a blue ray player..
@indiecraig: Americans and their units/formats and penalty kicks.. SMH
@trexchard: LMAO!!
@FriarNurgle: Use Files from the appstore.. u can import images from the camera roll and password protect the app.. Im sure the photos app will evolve as time goes on.. Having the password protected photos in the photo app is a dead give away of whats in there.. :)
@A Magician Named Gob: Not necessarily there are so many things you can do to your phone that has nothing to do with 3G data speeds... but for the iPhone 4 and iOS 4 there isnt much you need cause iOS4 now has alot of things covered.. But if you are running an older iphone OS with no 3G data u can make alot of system…
@FriarNurgle: I'll give you 3 good reasons.. 3G unrestrictor allows for FaceTime over 3G and watching HD Youtube videos over 3G, PdaNet for tethering and Status Notifier, puts little notifications icons in your status bar.. As irrelivant as they may seem they really come in extremely handy.. thats all I have on my JB…
With a name like "wiener" you know he's the guilty one..
Windows 7 Phone
@jeffsnewphone: lol!
@3Djesus: lol.. I like that..
@cloudnine: I KNOW!! I'm like why are u making it so public.. I dont want viruses on my phone.. and at the same time closing a hole for Jailbreaking.. its just all stupid..
"Today you find only a few companies that take design seriously, as i see it. And at the moment, thats an American company. It is Apple" - Dieter Rams.
So do I have to register office to get the free 2011? Or would it just come as an automatic software update?
@talkingstove: Journalists won't publish such a thing without proper verification.. Excluding Fox News that is..
This is why steve Jobs says bloggers are not Journalists..
@Dirtypas: I use my iPhone for work.. Calls, Emails, calendars, Remoting into other computers and working on my workstation when offsite (Logmein), Sending files. You will be surprised how much the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch are used for work. I've seen soo many instances. Mercedes Benz have incorporated the iPad…
@Damn the Fanboys: What I think is its the best build quality since the metal phone minus the Signal Strength issue of the Mental case.. Add over blown antenna comment here ....................................
@Hunter2458: Area of low signal strength required.. Just like the Phone 4.. doesnt happen every time..