
Ha! those are my actual pedals in the picture.. I have never fallen since I went clipless, I use multidirectional cleats, so you are able to detach your feet in multiple directions.. even in panic mode when you don't have time to process information and you just want you feet free then just seem to detach.. its

If you've never run it all the way down, how do you know how long it lasts? A bad battery will work just fine if you plug it in every 5 mins. I'm just saying.

Sideshow Bob! I found him!

Yo! That punch killed me.. It's early in the morning, I'm still in bed half asleep. Saw that punch and bursted out laughing..

I actually power on my phone with the home button and lock it with the power button.. it sounds kinda retarded to wake it with the power switch unless the phone is already in an awkward position in your hand.

As Jeans get tighter, Phones get bigger.. SO NO TO BIG PHONES!!!

You clearly haven't driven a manual transmission.. If you have it was probably on one of those low powered older cars you mentioned like a 1980's Toyota corolla or something.. My G37S Coupe is a Manual and that is the best way to drive.. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Any future luxury coupe/sports car


Actually its useful cause it makes the device feel more luxurious.. I would take a Bentley Any day over a piece of shit american car... That Precision is Key it translates into the look and feel of the hardware. Hence why the iPhone 1, 4, 4s and 5 don't feel like piece of shit android devices. Other than the Galaxy

lmao... Good one..

I wish I paid 1.9% in Taxes. I would probably own that Porsche Panamera or the Audi R8 I always wanted.

The 10 inched seemed like the perfect size.. I still think it is.. Will never buy the iPad Mini but I guess Android manufacturers have proven that there is indeed a market for smaller tablets and it only makes sense to adapt. What would be stupid is seeing an emerging 7" inch market and thinking nothing of it.. This

Yes.. Yes.. Y.E.S!

No Android without iPhone.. Y'all keep turning this BB article into an iPhone discussion.. It just goes to show how much of a hold the iPhone has on your life.. iPhone users could careless about android but all android users do is try to tear down the iPhone every chance they get.. even when we are talking about

eh I can wirelessly share files between my Mac and my iPhone without installing anything on my mac... Research is key.. Besides whats the big deal about installing something on your Computer? really.. who cares?

Oh finally.. an iHouse.. How do I know its an iHouse? Its made from metal and glass and has no WINDOWS..

Dude I hear what you are saying as far as endurance being special. That is special however the Power and speed Usain Bolt possesses is also special. This guy would smoke bolt in a Marathon race but Bolt would be at the finish line before this dude can react to the gun in a sprint. What you gain in endurance you loose

I have the same problem as you in my apartment. My Master bedroom at the extreme end of the first floor has very spotty coverage. Two of the guest bedrooms upstairs are fine. I set up a repeater to fix the issue but the connection of the repeater is significantly slower than the main router. It's still better than

don't have issues on the 4S.. you are clearly just speculating.

10.7 secs and 3 gold medals.. Top that!