Because Netflix kicked a successful field goal with Roma, so now the goalposts need to be moved again.
Because Netflix kicked a successful field goal with Roma, so now the goalposts need to be moved again.
“The sea was angry that day, my friends...”
the league forced the Alouettes to cut him, then banned him from the entire CFL
Considering their contract with Nickelodeon, glad-handing pedos better cost them everything.
Well, it didn’t take long for his apologists to slither out into the light.
Hey look, everybody! The ghost of Mickey Rooney comments on the takeout!
Disagree with Salty here: some things are just too small to let go.
If it’s a boy, make him sing Ave Maria; if he cracks, then he’s too old for the kid’s menu. If he doesn’t but looks like he’s over 12 anyway, take comfort in that the money his parents saves today will probably get taken from him at lunch.
Not counting the mezzanine.
The best way to give a cat a pill is to have a dog instead.
A broken cuck is right twice a day.
Funny, it was also illegal for Jews to be outside the ghettos as well, and the Gestapo was just rounding them up because the activity of aforementioned Jews was considered illegal at the time.
These are comics; we have to expect retcons that Baldurize Loki as a character.
La Mancha Reloaded.
It’s all very American storytelling. I wrote a lengthy post about this in the past: it’s an American story told through and anime lens. All of the characterizations, the arc structure, and the usage of multiple seemingly-filler episodes is meant to give you understanding of the characters current motives and who they…
+1 oblate spheroid
To be fair, that’s an Australian cow. It’s size is greatly exaggerated by the Mercator projection.
Would that it were so simple.
As someone who read all of the original manga AND Last Order, I’ve been telling people that they can’t really “ruin” the story, since it wasn’t, like...a good story to start with.
Why criticize the red shirt guy? He was telling blizz what everyone else was thinking. That no one wants this game and never asked for it, they were all hoping to get trolled and have them reveal D4 instead.
How incedibly stupid!