Kay Mariev

lol at #TheResistance. “Please be courteous in your protests of fascism.”

I think a riot is called for after swearing in a Russian mole as President.

Well goddamn! I haven’t seen the movie but went into this article anyway thinking that A) it’s a recent M. Night movie so of course it isn’t worth watching and B) the twist is going to be something stupidly obvious anyway. In fact as I was scrolling down I was smugly thinking “let me guess, it turns out the kidnapped

Super weird too, I was fully expecting a new Hugo Boss collection to be announced today.

I’m on the spectrum, and I’d rather be on that spectrum than dead. I’ll take this over Polio any f**king day.

So here’s the thing - a lot of players play with injuries that require surgery (stuff like partially torn MCLs, cartilage damage, torn bicep, etc.), but they don’t report it because it doesn’t affect your mobility or speed, it just fucking hurts, and if you can deal with the pain, all you need to do is get it fixed

The only reason for this stupid rule is so equal information is available to all gamblers and sports books. Yet the Raiders aren’t going to get penalized for knowing for the entire second half of the season that they were moving to Las Vegas. Sad.

It’s simple, they ydeliberate raise the money and make a cheap failure .

This made me miss “Eternal Darkness” for the Gamecube, which featured fun “insanity” gags if your character’s crazy meter got a little too high. My favorite was the one that makes it look like you’ve just accidentally deleted all of your saved files.

That’s a weird way of spelling Eternal Darkness :V

You will always remember this as the day you ALMOST shot down... Captain Jack Sparrow

The thing is, this research really isn’t needed. It certainly isn’t important enough to hold intelligent animals in captivity over. We could do the same research on human subjects, where the results would actually translate to humans, whereas this is monkey research that reflects on monkey properties, not human

If you liked suicide squad, you’ll like anything!

So basically you think we only deserve rights as long as we’re nice about it...?

Oh that’s a good one, I was gonna go with Aunt Barbru

parthenogenesis and viviparous.

You believe in a God that created the world in 7 days but couldn’t make evolution a part of it all?

I really don’t think you should stick to creationism if you want to acknowledge science and stick to your beliefs (it’s like eating while going to the toilet, you can do it, but sooner or later it’s going to make a bigger mess than you anticipated).
I’m Catholic myself, but believe in science one hundred percent.

Done With This Site is not vilifying people with a belief in the afterlife, just vilifying those who are arrogant enough to believe that it’s ok to tell a grieving person that they should also believe in an afterlife. The subtext of comments like this is “if you believed in an afterlife, you wouldn’t feel so bad.”