Kay Mariev

I’ve got a paperwhite that works perfectly well, but I miss physical buttons so badly. Still on the fence over whether it’s worth it to upgrade.

I’ve got a paperwhite that works perfectly well, but I miss physical buttons so badly. Still on the fence over

Moved my father in with me last year and we went through donating and tossing 30 years of accumulated stuff from his place. Now when he passes all I’ll have to deal with is a locker full of guns that I don’t know how to sell.

Someone around here said that he looks like he’s peeking out of a rusty tailpipe and that’s all I can see now.


Oh I don’t think California can just go it alone, either. I’m just suggesting that the fortunes of California are such a significant part of economy that being cut off by the federal government would be devastating for everyone.

The GDP of California represents something like 3% of the GDP of the entire world. So that would be a fabulous way to tank the economy for a generation or so.

Google says Coco is only 76 minutes. So a long short paired with a short feature, I guess.

Yes. I’m rather pleased that the university that awarded me my graduate degree does not confer honorary doctorates.

I agree! We should definitely let the perfect be enemy of the good!

I guess I’m just having a stupid moment, but I cannot for the life of me figure out what those grey letters say behind the witches in the Witch Armament picture.


Have no fears, they’ve got stories for years.

Best Episode - Spoils of War

I would never in a million years meet with this guy alone on his office hours. Send an email, leave a paper trail.

I thought maybe it was German or something. I’m up past my bedtime.

I’m pretty sure when I was 4 I had a crush on Optimus Prime.

I would laugh so fucking hard.

Good Christ, this is like something out of Stephen King.

Sure Bub.

The only subspecies I’ve ever observed is troll.