
It would have been too easy.

How great would it be if the first letter of each paragraph spelled out F-U-C-K-Y-O-U?

Abolish the Greek system.

TOTALLY! Not to mention the actual functionality of breasts and the fact that women often get shamed for using them to feed their infants because TOO SEXY! Trust me when I say that plopping out my boob for my son felt completely unsexy. This book contributes to that in the long term.

No. Just because some people find breasts attractive, that is not what they are for. Women grow breasts in order to feed children. That we as a society have sexualized a body part doesn’t change why it exists. No woman chooses to grow boobs, it just happens. You’re saying that the symptom defines the purpose. This

So... basically going out of their way to deliver and reinforce the message, “Yes, bro, the female body is for YOU!”

How are they ‘promoting mutual respect and understanding’ by saying girls get tits to be attractive? That’s literally promoting the sexualization and objectification of women’s bodies.

boys who want to know what to do about their relentless, unrepentant boners.

I wish that people would stop using the idiotic term “alt-left.” It’s a bullshit thing that Donny came up with, in a false equivalence with the groups who call themselves “alt-right” but are really just a bunch of Nazis and bigots.

Re: “celebrities are damned if they do and damned if they don’t,” the thing about this column is that it’s explicitly about what celebrities do, and what Jessica Chastain did was thoughtlessly give more credibility to the term “alt-left” via a tweet to her 575,000 followers (many of whom called her out of them), only

It’s a shocking murder by any means, but Sharon Tate was 8 months pregnant, I believe.

Murder actually has the lowest recidivism rate of any crime. It’s highly unlikely that this woman is going to kill again, or even park illegally. So what is the point of keeping her in prison then? Pure punishment for a 50 year old crime?

Is there a reason that this crew has been in jail for 40+ years when other people who’ve been convicted of similar crimes have a lesser sentence? Don’t get me wrong, I have no interest in settling the Manson Family free, but this is the only life sentence (to my knowledge) that actually means life.

Reminds me of Ramon Estevez working under the name Martin Sheen because otherwise people weren’t calling him back on auditions. It’s fucked up.

Long, long history of that in Hollywood. Huge numbers of actors had to change their names to get famous, both for racist reason (their name was very “ethnic” and Hollywood hates that) or because their name was hard to pronounce. For example, for Jews, you’ve got Marilyn Monroe = Norma Jean Mortensen, Kirk Douglas =

Also missed my favorite line:

I love Chloe Bennet. She is extremely goofy and I very much enjoy her Instagram presence. Especially when she tells idiots what’s what.

She is stunning.

on or about her wedding day, if memory serves.

I completely forgot that Cameron Diaz was married to Benji Madden. And I’m pretty sure that an hour from now I’ll have forgotten again. I love weird celebrity pairings but especially when they’re not shoving it in my face every two damn seconds.