
Oh I love this show so much—so glad to have the date for the new season.

Let’s not forget Portia Doubleday, who will grow up to be Meryl Streep if she’s not careful. All of us get to project what we are thinking onto her inscrutable face. And speaking of Meryl Streep, there’s Mamie Gummer, who was also marvelous last season. For such a hacking-related tale, there are a lot of strong

I fell for him hard in the Pacific and I don’t think i’ll ever stop loving him. That being said this show confuses the fuck out of me.

Sorry Rami, they can kill you and idc, but this show is my buffet of lesbian dream girlfriends and every one of them (White Rose included) better live and end up ruling the world.


When you saw only one set of crow’s feet in the face

There’s a difference between drinking matcha and wearing a kimono, though. Food and clothing carry different connotations and meanings, and should be treated as such.

Cultural appropriation is like getting to enjoy the delicious taco truck in the barrio without having to suffer living in the barrio. You’re welcome to do enjoy the tacos, just don’t pretend you discovered this delicious taco truck, or worse, invented tacos.

The fascinating thing is, reading past comment threads about this very issue, soooo many Jezebel readers would agree with the NY Times troll piece. The entire piece seems copy and pasted from this site’s community of commenters. 

“So, a person who wears a dumb “geisha girl” costume is not the same fucking thing as Lafcadio Hearn (Koizumi Yakumo) who assimilated and chose to live and breathe the culture.”

That’s a dirrty remark and you know it.

Jesus Christ my fellow white people are embarrassing. I just don’t get the constant demand to do whatever you want b/c it’s fun and it feels good at the expensive of other people. And the thing is, you can’t even argue ignorance. People like this woman KNOW and THEY STILL DON’T CARE. I get that it’s painful to own up

If you took Leighton Meester out of GG, you would have no show. Blake is very pretty, but you could have swapped her out for any other tall, blonde actress and many would not have blinked an eye. Same for whatever his name that played Nate.
Side note, I once stood next Chuck Bass while waiting for a table. He smelled

Gossip Girl was great thanks to Leighton Meester.

Can we all agree that Leighton Meester >>>> Blake Lively? 

I’ll never forget that they had a callback to this like seasons later where Oz was staring at it and talking about how it looked it it followed him with it’s eyes.

When I was little, my mom bought me a comic book that showed me how deal with these weirdos.

Leah Remini is no longer an actress. Her real job now is trolling the shit out of scientology and I love her for it! Get ‘em!!