
Playing back answering machine or voicemail messages that you left yourself is the WORST. At that points it’s like you aren’t even human.

The picture also doesn’t really convey the bad girl vibe either. I feel like this is more “just stepped out of the shower after a long day on the beach so I’m gonna wear my rattiest vacation shirt and not do my hair” vibe. Oddly specific, but seriously, home girl is probably wearing flannel pj pants with that top and

OK so I’m super old, but does anyone else remember Martika? She went from being cute on Kids Incorporated and then came out with Toy Soldiers, a song about heroin addiction. I still love that song. Maybe not so much“naughty” but she certainly went from light to dark.

I read this excerpt and it made me think I could very easily be a famous YA author. The writing is horrendous, but also, her lack of a thigh gap is her great flaw?

And the cover was copied from someone else’s painting. Because of course it was.

Also, I really loved her reception dress. Or all her dresses in general.

It’s hilarious that so many people thought this was a fairytale wedding and marriage at the time. I’m rolling my eyes at how confident the commentators are here.

From 1975 on she was styled “Lady Diana Spencer” (thanks internet) so I have NO idea why they spun her as a commoner or why they got away with it! But they did! They even refer to her as LADY Diana! Still a lot of people still think of her as having been one of them. Boggles.

True story: I met Shirley MacLaine in the early 90s, and was wearing a quartz crystal that my sister had found and mounted into a necklace for me (It was pretty! I had no idea crystals had any other potential use!).

1) This song is bad. I liked 1984 but this is objectively not good.

I actually like swish swish just because I’m glad that someone called Taylor out for being a brat and treating her dancers like inhuman trash. I wish more people knew that story about the poor pay. The video was not good.

So she’s basically retracting “Shake it Off.”

This is how I feel about essential oils, kombucha, and all those other fads. Crystals are pretty, oils smell good, and kombucha is tasty. Thats all more than enough reason to enjoy, please stop telling people that they have “healing powers”. If the airplane story ended with “this is my lucky charm, it makes me feel

“Look what you MADE me do” isn’t standing up for yourself. It’s victim mentality. Also she lied and got caught. She didn’t get “made” into a victim, she’s always the victim.

Look what you made me do.

Darth Becky DARTH BECKY Jesus that’s good

Right? I was really hoping this would be her owning up to being a dick last summer, but it’s just her blaming someone else for her behavior. COOL.

I think it’s great that the new Taylor is willing to stand up for herself by holding grudges and getting even with people who made her the victim. It’s really groundbreaking territory for her lyrics.

The track sounds like “I’m so sexy” and the trivial lyrics don’t resonate with the times. It’s tone deaf literally and figuratively. Lana Del Rey help her out. Also It’s hard to believe Taylor is older than me. She comes off like a petulant teenager. It took her this long to write this response?

I really hope she beefs with Beyoncé at some point so Twitter is nothing but venomous bees and snakes. Like Australia.