
There’s never enough Zoidberg on this site.

Combining my two great loves — fonts and pop culture trash — in one post is more than this girl could dare to dream to happen on this otherwise ordinary Thursday.

I find myself in agreement with your ramblings.

I love really short hair. I have dreams about the day I lose enough weight to rock a pixie cut without looking like a marble perched on a beach ball. (I have a really small head.)

I don’t get how TSwift is good and KPerry is bad. It’s the same pop. Neither is great really. Talented and skilled sure. But they aren’t great musicians putting out incredible work that could potentially change the direction of music. It’s pop music. It’s fun, funny, catchy, and awful all at the same time just like

I loved her response to Casey Affleck and love her response to this. I know we shouldn’t be celebrating this type of reaction because it should be the norm but unfortunately it isn’t so it’s refreshing to see someone do/say the right thing.

I am also 5'2" so we have that in common.

She could’ve given the weakest, emptiest of PR statements, but we get this. Brie Larson is a class act.

I thought that too. If they’re going to come forward and make these allegations, they deserve to know that there aren’t any qualifications or hoops they need to jump through — just saying “I believe you” is a powerful three-word statement.

Brie Larson does seem to be an advocate for women - see her disdain for Casey Affleck, so I expect she’d have made a fuss if she knew what was going on. She’s a pretty big name now, so hopefully her condemnation will force Cinefamily’s hand to get rid of those two assholes.

This is one of the best statements I’ve seen from a celebrity. Reading “I believe you” is so, so powerful.

She’s still a fucking queen tho.

She also dated and married a known Sean Penn. Lots of otherwise wonderful people have questionable dating taste.

But wouldn’t that still make Obama better because he’s the sun and Dump is the moon in that situation?

In case anyone still thought Trump wanted to be President for any reason other than Obama made fun of him for being a conspiracy nut.

I know what the butt is.

When were you there? I went to college there in the aughts, and no one said Ba-Normal, not even the townies.

Dude. Illinois is a hellhole **except** for Chicago.

And comparing Chicago to Detroit - I take it you’ve never actually visited Chicago before, have you? It’s beautiful and in the middle of an economic boom. You’re very misinformed.

As a Chicago native, please believe that I’ve forever wished that Chicago could break away and form it’s own state. All the red counties outside of Cook can go to fucking hell. And the next time someone from Schaumburg or Crystal Lake tells me they’re from Chicago I’m gong to stab them in the eye.

Hahahahaha sure dude, we’ll split off and be a state called Chicagoland, and you all can live in “OMG holy shit we have no money for anything”. Enjoy that.