
Because it scares the fuck out of you when a predator does this to you. As soon as she felt powerful enough, she had him removed from the venue.

So, this is totally unrelated, but I was just called a disrespectful asshole in one of my earlier comments because I joked that there should be a Flying Spaghetti Monster outfit at the (possibly) religion-themed Met Gala next year and I need to share this. Was this troll behavior? Maybe he/she is a Pastefarian?

I don’t understand how he’s even trying to sue for anything. Look at the picture. Best case scenario: his hand is over her dress, on her ass. Worst case scenario: his fingers are slipped under her dress, on her bare ass.

Leah Remini is a goddamn hero and her show was absolutely riveting - far closer to a documentary than anything “reality-ish”.

Also impressive: that the apology was actually worse than the original statement (which was bad enough).

Yeah, who throws that into everyday convos?

Ha! Familiar. I once overheard my male coworkers talking about me on a conference call they didn’t know I was included in. It was...enlightening. Good for her for exposing this entitled dingleberry. I hope she gets a sweet TV gig, she sounds funny.

Ahh Reply All. The “You left the mic on” of our generation.

I apologize for venting like a masagonistic faggot.

I’m mostly impressed that he managed to offend pretty much every single marginalized group: women, Jews, LGBTQ, etc. While it isn’t here, I’m sure dude has said a few things about POC, too.

I’m sorry...

If the 2000's are back then I want my full brows back as well because that pencil-thin brow game fucked my life up.

For some reason, their relationship works, even though Aronofsky thinks that her “reality TV obsession” is “vastly disappointing.”

Yes! I love really terrible ghost/alien/bigfoot/ mysterious mysteries of strange mystery shows. I know it’s shit. I’m not trying to make you watch it. Stop trying to convince me it’s shit. I know! I like it! It makes my day a little sillier and happier!

I think that’s on purpose to follow victorian era paintings. They all have weird necks in those paintings

It’s her life and all but god what a waste. A 48 year old dad/artiste?

Remember when we couldn’t elect Hillary because she was a hawk who would start wars?

The environmental damage even from a limited nuclear war would be insane, personally I think a nice quick vaporisation would be better than starving to death, while hoping to not be cannibalised.

Alright fine Pence can be president whatever just get him out of there and we will figure out the underground railroad abortion trans surgery thing.

It’s been a pretty okay life, up til now. Personally, I’m hoping for instant vaporization over lingering radiation sickness. You?