
Oh god. This is the asshole that’s gonna cause the end of the world? Not an insane genius, but this chucklefuck? Goddamn it that is just not right!

He did not, however, specify what the inaccuracies may have been.

I have never loathed a protagonist as much as Wade. I actively rooted against him despite knowing how the entire plot would unfold within the first few chapters. He represents everything I hate about ‘nerd culture’- the arrogance and gate-keeping of those who consume it. That being said, I loved hate-listening to this

Good Writing: “I watched all the Star Trek Series”

Agree wholeheartedly. Reading the book was akin to shotgunning a box of Mike & Ikes: Fun, kind of tasty in a “this is kind of like food” way, but leaves a weird, unpleasant buzzing on your tongue and a knot in your stomach.

There is little of the plot—or its entirety—that can’t be condensed to a Hollywood elevator pitch. “What if The Matrix was also The Last Starfighter?”

I’m fairly certain Marvel actually created a real-life Captain America in a lab experiment and then had him raised by a humble MA dentist as “Chris Evans.”


This is assault. I understand getting annoyed by slow walkers or people who seem to have no destination in mind, but Jeeezus. He has all the room in the world to navigate that sidewalk. This is just inexplicable.

Aside from being a giant, dangerous asshole, she’s clearly moving off to the side in the video. It appears he then adjusts to her new path and shoves her off.

Sidewalk etiquette? Dude has plenty of room, as mentioned. Also she’s walking on an angle to give him more room. As a frequently disgruntled jogger who wishes the world would put more effort into sidewalk etiquette, I feel pretty confident he just wanted to push a woman in front of a bus.

“...he can’t juggle a growing family with his career...”

Yeah, I will generally come down on her side. But as PinkBunnyHat said below, if you can’t use the dinglehopper correctly, well I don’t have time you anymore.

The more I read about Chris Pratt the more I wonder how he made it to the top of ANYONE’S top Chris list.

I’m usually Team Heard by default but she’s pushed my loyalties TOO FAR with this one.

Important addendum to Amber Heard’s bizarre photo: she’s currently playing Mera, the Atlantean queen, in Aquaman. Hence the flaming red hair, and probably lots of mermaid references to come

Wow call me too invested in it or whatever but I actually fucking HATE Amber’s post. If you’re not going to commit to putting the prongs in your hair you don’t deserve to share a diptych with Ariel you HACK.

Anyone else thought it was Pratt who wanted to have 20 kids to please the Lord?

I heard he was a cheating cheater. Don’t know if its true or not but I believe it.

“Intentionally listened to Taylor Swift through an online service.”