
I do not like this new trend, now you have to open every article to find the dirt bag

At a place I used to work when it was someone’s birthday they had them “wave” the candles out by flapping a paper plate at it. Looked and felt incredibly stupid but in a workplace it made TOTAL sense. It was hard enough staying healthy in a cubical farm without infected birthday cakes.

My meager kingdom for another Morning Joe skit on SNL: Mika Mouse 4eva!

AND it’s a classic example of a man complaining about “discrimination against men” that actually stems from deep-rooted sexism against women. The reason he “can’t” be King is because Obviously kings are higher rank than queens, regardless of circumstances (complicated medieval royal heir marriages aside). He can’t be

Oh dear, I’m putting myself out there, and please feel free to correct me, but there were times when monarchs from different countries married. I’m not sure if they were both given the titles “Queen and king” however: Example: Mary Queen of Scots was married to King Francis II of France. 

I know it’s just a typo, but I *really* like the idea of “Queen Reagent.” All hail Queen Dioxane! LONG LIVE QUEEN AMMONIA II!

No, Diana, Camilla and Kate would all remain Princesses were their husbands to become Kings. Just as Prince Phillip is not King Phillip. The top title only happens if you’re the top of the monarchy.

They will be Queen Consorts, not Queen Reagent, like Elizabeth II is.

lol can you imagine if Prince Phillip tried to pull this shit on Elizabeth II?

It seems weird to me that someone who is a member of the monarchy would not understand how monarchies work.

But there is a reason to get riled. Theoretically. Party affiliation is supposed to signal some kind of ideological base to stand behind. Changing party affiliation for political expediency is A number 1 sign you stand for nothing and are a paid whore. In my opinion. Regardless of which direction you chose to veer

Time moves slower in nighmares.

Good. I’m tired of DWTS casting people like this. But I’m sure they will try for someone else who got kicked out of the administration. It is has never given them a ratings boost, so they need to cut it out. Stick with Olympians, retired athletes, and soap stars.

Damn. No awkward mambo set to “Spice Up Your Life.”

However, the real reason Spicer turned down the offer, according to the source, was an “overwhelming number of commitments in the Fall.”

Even if it was ‘just an acting exercise’ it’s exploitation as they weren’t looking for great actors they were looking for pain and tears to then reframe into their story to tell and profit and get praised for on the backs of these children.

Jolie’s version of the story is the same as the story that the magazine printed - she doesn’t seem to get what was wrong with it in the first place. It doesn’t matter if YOU think ‘this is an acting exercise, this money is meaningless and the children don’t get to keep it anyway’ - to those kids they’re just seeing a

*Lester Freamon voice* “Follow election collusion, and all you get is a collusion case with probable treason and espionage implications. But follow the money, and it can take you anywhere. Still treason, though. Heavy, heavy amounts of aid and comfort to a hostile foreign power. Firing-squad-level shit? I don’t know.

A bra is the very last thing I put on before leaving my house (well, the bra and then the shirt) and it’s always the first thing I take off when I walk in to the house.

“because if you are going to say that Mexico is not going to pay for the wall, then I do not want to meet with you guys anymore because I cannot live with that.”