
“But otherwise showed no sign of infection”. Pardon me, but doesn’t GREEN DISCHARGE from the PENIS scream infection? How many signs do you need?

Only 45% of Trump supporters believe that Don Jr. attended that meeting with the Russian lawyer for dirt on Clinton. Something he himself openly confirmed.

When I read that quote this morning, all I could think was “Even a blind squirrel finds a nut now and again.”

Even a broken, alcoholic Nazi clock is right twice a day.

I feel like these two pictures are more relevant now than ever

“Most Republicans were loyal...”

The part that pisses me off to no end is that they are blaming Democrats for the ACA having troubles when REPUBLICANS (more specifically, Marco fucking Rubio) are the ones who kneecapped the legislation in the first place.

In a fair an logical world this whole mess would easily result in the Democrats sweeping the elections next year.

The most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen in my life occurred on the Metro in DC. Note that during my years riding the Metro, I saw and smelled every body fluid imaginable, people in every imaginable state of undress, etc., you know...the usual for a subway system. But all of that paled in comparison to the Milk

Bagels theoretically would be good as long as you have made them yourself at home. If you got them from a NYC deli they probably are filled with eight pounds of cream cheese, which is great but also can be very messy on the subway.

Nothing that has a smell, nothing that makes a mess. Probably something you can eat with one hand, for the sake of your own ease. How is this hard? Who are you monsters?

I wouldn’t call Heath Ledger bad taste.

‘Tony nominee and guy who dumped Mary Louise Parker while she was pregnant with his child ‘, whenever this is mentioned I feel the need to jump to his defense by stating that MLP is a big box of crackers, and I was shocked he hung in as long as he did. 

Public Service Announcement: You’re commenting on a post filed to “Dirt Bag”. They can do *both*.

Translation of Thorne quote:

It is truly the worst hashtag ever. It is the most humblebraggy of the humblebrags.

Maybe it’s my current life circumstances, but I hate the hashtag “blessed” with the fire of a thousand suns.

The father is Aubrey Plaza because witchcraft.

Please let it be BJ’s, please let it be BJ’s.