
Especially when said woman character immediately starts validating the male character (and is usually the only one, often risking her career/family/life to do so, but THE TRUTH IS IN HIM)

One of the authors featured has gone so far as to try on a bra so he didn’t make any obvious mistakes that might throw female readers out of the story. 

Women have taken male pen names to be taken seriously, to be read in the first place because of blatant sexism. I have nothing against these men doing the initials things, but it is not the same.

A lot of of old school Harlequin/Mills & Boon novels were written by men. As a kidlet reading them, I always wondered why the men were so mean until the last three pages and the women so weak....once I found out that fact as an adult, I understood.

If they’re describing women as 5'10" 120#, that’s a dead giveaway right there.

I have never read a book written by a man that fooled me into thinking it was written by a woman. As soon as they introduce the female characters, it always becomes painfully obvious. It’s bad enough female writers have a harder time getting published, now these assholes want to capitalize on one of the few categories

I don’t mean this as body snark, but that picture looks like a photoshop fail to me. It’s a bit like a taffy pull. Maybe that’s her real body, but she’s a very petite woman. How does her torso look 4 feet long?

I love that they separate “get a manicure” and “get a pedicure” into two different items. It reminds me of how I over-itemize my work “to-do” list so I can check things off and feel like I am accomplishing something even if I’m not.

They all look unhappy because they aren’t actually drinking any of that. Ross has SOMETHING on his mind though. That post-Thanksgiving Moist-Maker perhaps? Either that or he’s doing a happy Vulcan expression.

I’ve never noticed it before, but why does Ross look so evil and angry in that top photo?

“Well, time to register to vote! Hope I don’t get doxxed by the government and murdered by its armed, rabid supporters.

Look at Ross’ face in the header image.

Not coordinating on dessert item selection?

Oh, one of her wacko friends forwarded her a link without reading it either, I’m sure. Chain emails are such an efficient way of spreading ignorance.

Home buyer: I want a classic bungalow.

I feel like there are 3 people who get tiny houses.

Not having two bathrooms ended my marriage...

I think the particular problem with the “tiny house” movement is its arbitrary size cap.

I watched one episode of Tiny House Hunters or whatever it’s called and a couple bought one for them and their 3 teenage sons. All I could think is this is going to make finding privacy to masturbate so hard for those poor hormonal kids. That family had better be damn close.