
The sometime model and aspiring actress admitted she was so surprised when her boyfriend of 1 ½ years proposed that she insisted he propose again – just to be sure.

I really hate when the Kardashians get excited about “going on vacation”. Your whole fucking life is vacation.

I’d recommend not calling people sweety if you want them to think your correction is anything but condescending. it comes off real gross.

A proposal...in a...mall? In New Jersey? Ugh, I’d be so much better at being “rich.”

People say the most awful things to people with cancer. Well, they say the most awful things all the time to everyone, but you really notice it when you’re covered in scabs from chemo injections. A friend of mine looked me deeply in the eyes and asked, “What have you done to bring this into your life?” I told her I

It’s only women though that get treated like this. Men are thought of warriors and so brave of them to talk about it. So tired of the patriarchal society.

“You’re not depressed, only serial killers and kids who lost their parents get that.” -My mother response to when I was sixteen telling her I had depression.

I have been trying to think back to when I was a teen, and what prevented us from taking our own lives. I think there were a lot of things going on, but I was in a pretty rarefied environment (lots o’ privilege and stuff) There may be some things to glean, though.

People will always believe sensationalistic crap that confirms their fears. Some Christians in the eighties were quick to believe Dungeons and Dragons was causing kids to go ape and hack eachother up with swords. In the same decade, others were quick to believe that large-scale sexual abuses were happening at daycare

This reminds me of when parents were blaming their kids’ suicides on the choking game. I think a lot of parents don’t want to think that their children were depressed and suicidal and that they may have missed some warning sign because what parent would want to live with that guilt?

Internet challenges are today’s satanic panic; a few misremembered real stories being used to explain a whole swath of teen behavior instead of confronting the actual issues that form the basis of the behavior.

Your kid had mental problems. They didn’t you could help them or maybe that you even would help them. Suck it up and stop with the idea that if it just hadn’t been for some “game” all the youths are doing, they would have been fine and with you now. People who succeed at killing themselves aren’t doing it by

She’s literally (based on the movie trailers and Episode VII) going to be a Jedi, but they’re leaving her out? WTF?!

I read the headline to my kid. Her response? “I’MMA GO FIGHT SOMEONE.”

This is the second time I’ve had to post this pic this week.

Right, Rey is like, so boring and not interesting to play as, whereas I have always found myself deeply passionate about, and highly invested in, small metal thimbles and top hats. I mean, have you heard about Thimble’s backstory???

There was a British mini-series based on his socks, which is pretty impressive.

You can’t see all the other white lines in the table?

Maks loves Peta so much that he dumped her a few years ago because he wanted to trade up. He dated Kate Upton but she dumped him for her ex. He maybe tried to get with his DWTS partner Meryl Davis but she wasn’t interested and went back to her ex. He tried to get with J.Lo but she went back to Casper. He tried to get

Of course Rob apologized to the women in his family. That is not unusual for abusers, actually. Someone has pointed out that he can’t apologize because of the restraining order, but he could send a formal apology through his attorney or something like that if he really wanted to. He doesn’t want to.