That’s the thing about alcohol: it’s one of the few things that will kill you if your body has become physically dependent on it. The other one is Benzodiazepines. Pretty much everything else will make you feel like you want to die, but won’t actually kill.
As a recovered alcoholic I can say please get medical help if you stop drinking. I had to be hospitalized three days before going to rehab to prevent this. Don’t be ashamed, and don’t think you can automatically do it on your own.
:-( :-( Nelson Ellis seemed like a legitimately good dude, in the few interviews I had seen with him. Obviously he was an outrageously talented actor too (he was for a very long time the only watchable thing on True Blood, which I couldn’t watch past the 4th season or so). It sucks when people struggle with things…
I find the people saying that it can’t be revenge porn because she has posted racy pictures of herself before to be disgusting.
And the worst part is no one will go anything about it.
These fuckers need to be charged with treason.
Reminder: this meeting took place in June 2016. In July 2016, Donald Trump openly asked for Russia to find Clinton’s emails.
When I read a headline earlier wherein Corey Le-what’s-his-traitor-face basically said “Welp, Putin says they didn’t do any meddling, so that settles that!” I actually pinched myself. Sometimes I still can’t believe how low we’ve sunk.
I was just reading about this in the NYT. I was mentally screaming while simultaneously wanting to take a nap to shut it all off. This shit is enraging/exhausting. We need some new words for what this current administration is doing to our mental/emotional health.
Exactly. It’s the fact that it should blow the whole administration sky-high but we know it will make exactly no impact. They’ll make a limp attempt at gas-lighting the nation and then move swiftly along.
It’s not going to make a damn bit of difference. The GOP will fully support everything Trump has done and everything he will do, and they have the keys to the kingdom. There is literally no possible evidence that will make them change course now.
“Ohio is an open-carry state that allows residents to openly possess firearms with or without a license.”
He and Rutina Wesley were the best things about True Blood! He was so young. Terrible loss.
I strongly suspect that he was doing hard drugs in the bathroom. I really hope they have had the good sense to take a blood sample of him and get it tested.
I had an idea that they should offer medical procedures in flight, so that when you fly from ...say from Atlanta to the time you land and wake up you’ve had your teeth cleaned, your annual gyno exam and a colonoscopy!
I think we can all agree that this is an instance where dealing with the guy with extreme force was perfectly justified. I’m guessing ‘road rage.