And for Doctor Who, we're getting the anniversary special, then the Christmas special, and then nothing until...when? We don't even know. Fall 2014?
And for Doctor Who, we're getting the anniversary special, then the Christmas special, and then nothing until...when? We don't even know. Fall 2014?
Ugh. I have a friend who is Kenyan-American, who now holds her PhD and teaches, BUT...she received a scholarship to attend Auburn University for her PhD, and the first day in a class that she was co-teaching, the white male co-teacher told her that she couldn't leave her backpack at the front of HIS class, and that…
The sex reveal parties just kind of gag me out. My cousin and his wife had one a couple of months ago for their 3rd child, where they cut open a cake filled with blue M&Ms, which I think is kind of gross and weird, especially considering that she will be having a c-section. On the flip side, they struggled with…
As the mom of a 12 year old girl, I've witnessed a LOT of interactions between her peers and their parents and amongst the girls themselves. I have seen more than my fair share of little girls (starting around age 9), who are angels as long as they have a parent present. Take that parent away, and those sweet angels…
I love, LOVE that Kate was allowed to come out in a simple dress and obviously no one made her try to hide the fact that the baby belly doesn't just POOF and go away as soon as the baby comes out. That is absolutely fantastic!
Recently, my husband and I got some awesome Allagash at a new growler place. We had our first pint at 3pm. We were in bed by 11:30, and I only had 4 pints total over the 8+ hours. I didn't have to be at work til noon the next day, and I thought I was going to die. I didn't vomit, but if I moved too fast or bent at the…
This is the question I want answered: Of all these people condemning and defending her, how many people have bothered to read the damn deposition???
Prior to the advent of Christina Hendricks, there were a few actresses who I looked at and thought "You know, she actually looks like a normal size human being" and that made those actresses more relatable for me: Clarie Danes, Busy Phillips, and Amber Benson. I was absolutely heartbroken a few years ago when I was in…
In the ATL, these are being called Doughsants:…
Yep. From my understanding, the father counts himself 3/128th Cherokee, and that makes his daughter slightly over 1%. It seems to me that he is using his heritage to make a loophole to get his daughter back. Not to sound crass, but if 3/128th isn't enough to get you Native American assistance for college (I'm pretty…
I am SURE Peter Dinklage knows what "sapiosexual" means. Surely, he must.
I want to know how in the world people get their doctors to give them these meds, seriously. By all accounts, we as a nation take way to many damn pills, but even when I was damn near dying with severe PPD, my ob/gyn wouldn't give me anything for anxiety and/or depression. She told me to do breathing exercises and…
I have a cousin who suffered a stroke about 6 months ago, and although it was already highly unlikely she and husband would be able to have a child together due to medical reasons, that ended their hopes completely. She posted a nicely worded FB status simply asking people to think about who they might hurt with an…
While my friends (in my all white, deep South) small town had white girl Cabbage Patch Kids, I had a black boy CBK. I didn't care. I was just happy to have one.
When my daughter was younger, people kept telling her that she looked "just like the little girl from Little Miss Sunshine." Since she was young enough for a lot of the content to go over her head, we watched it together, and she freaking loved it. She was SO thrilled that people thought she resembled Abigail Breslin.…
Does BSA have your current contact information on file? If not, that could be a reason. The surveys are going out via email. They also seem to be going out in a staggered fashion. Example: my husband got his over the weekend, but his cousin (who is active in leadership and has 5 sons who are scouts) hasn't received…
If you have never seen the book Andre Leon Talley in Russia by Andrei Rozen, you have to track down a copy. It's AMAZING.
Ace is actually my daughter's nickname (taken because it's part of her actual name). I think it's a cool nickname for a girl because it's typically a boy nickname. So given that JS named her daughter Maxwell, I can totally see her naming a second child Ace, whether it's a boy or a girl. I dunno...I guess I…
Normal heart rate for a newborn is 100-150 bpm. Your heart rate slows as you grow and age.
I remember feeling that way about my daughter when she was tiny. We did everything together, and I spent more time with her than with any other human for a very long time. I could talk to her about anything, because she was too young to really understand what I was saying, and she gave me unconditional love. Feeling…