
I've met Scott Snyder, my kids and husband have met him. He IS a genuinely nice guy.

I have issues with PETA, but...James Cromwell is really, really committed to his beliefs. He is basically a big old hippie, and he stands by his values. He is adamant about many things, including lessening our impact on the environment, and he tries to live his beliefs. To call him a hypocrite based on one incident is

I work for a prestigious private college, and we do not earn sick leave. We also only get a handful of federal holidays, and we earn a standard amount of personal leave that amounts to be about 1 day per month. So any leave I take - be it for illness or not, comes from my personal leave. After several years, I still

Luther...le sigh. It's the next best thing to L&O Criminal Intent in terms of soothing me to sleep. It's Idris Elba's voice...

Soooo...if you use a ProActive vending machine, does that set you up for automatic membership, too?

Or the break room at your local Best Buy...

He's signed on at least through the 50th Anniversary, but he's very cagey, that one.

I don't know that there's much hope that we'll ever get a female Doctor, however much we might want it. AND, AND, AND!!! You should check out The Forgotten Doctor! http://www.indiegogo.com/DWTheForgottenDoctor

No, no, not that I'm aware of, at least.

Shhh...you guys...this just means he's making his move to become the 12th Doctor, right? RIGHT?

My father has a bad habit of drunk texting me, which I never realize until I'm a couple of very worried texts in, by which point he's shifted into drunk angry texting...but because he's been hypertensive his entire adult life and has already had a heart attack and quad-bypass surgery (and because my mother had several

We ended up moving our kids to another school with a competent school nurse, though we still have to jump through school system paperwork hoops to keep our daughter's Epi-pen with her. I'm thankful we had that option and that my daughter is very good at policing her own environment.

I believe it's a combination of factors: genetic, environmental, AND being more aware of these allergies.

And everything teenagers post online is the God's honest truth, right? She said something about sex, so she must be having it. ARGH.

Um...I would not say "many" especially not now, considering the large African-American population in the South. I grew up in Georgia, in a (then rural, now metro) all-white area north of Atlanta in the 80s, and while I heard people call it "The War of Northern Aggression," it was never referred to as anything but the

When I was little, "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus" was one of my favorite songs. My mom had explained it to me, and I still believed in Santa. I had this whole little fantasy that went along with it, wherein I crept down the stairs and caught my dad dressed as Santa, with my mom giving him a chaste kiss and ticking

Oh dear lord. That's a lot of sleep deprivation. Did she have any older children?

Pfft. An appearance by the young Dowager Countess is ONLY acceptable in the following scenario: youthful Violet is picked up by a strange man in a blue box who refers to himself as the Doctor. She becomes his sidekick, a companion, if you will, and travels with him through time and space, for oh, a series or two. He

Yep. I know recovery times vary from person to person, but I was advised 6 weeks with both of mine. My friend said that they "just couldn't wait." Ugh. They were in their early twenties and hadn't been married that long before she got pregnant with #1, but still...she was a NURSE.

I had a friend who got pregnant with her second when her first was around 6 weeks old. The children are 11 months apart. I can't even imagine how taxing that is. But, as my mama was fond of saying, "They know what causes that..."