Best have some extreme internet skillz if you want to mess with HBO. They don't play. I know more than one person who have received cease and desist letters from them...
Best have some extreme internet skillz if you want to mess with HBO. They don't play. I know more than one person who have received cease and desist letters from them...
I was totally ruined by the baby sloths getting a bath and eating hibiscus flowers video recently. I made my husband watch it, and he laughed at me when I started crying. Then we discussed whether it's possible to have a pet sloth, and who would take care of it if you had to go out of to research baby sloth…
Agreed. FWIW she's actually a genuinely nice human being and does a lot for the community in Savannah that doesn't get advertised. Her show is an entertainment vehicle, not a lifestyle guide.
Also - asking if there are peanuts/nuts in something doesn't always guarantee you'll get the true and complete answer.
Preach it! Also - hello, are you me?
I was wondering about that, too, because we have a very dear male friend (late 20s) who was diagnosed with testicular cancer this past fall. They were well into planning his surgery when my husband told him what I was worried about - whether his doctors had discussed freezing his sperm. Nope. No one had said a gosh…
There are days when I pray that if I have a third child, it's a girl, because the one boy (6) I have is enough to worry about. We had 2 trips to the ER during the last school year alone. One was for stitches on his ear, which he lacerated while playing Batman in the school cafeteria, and one for falling and smacking…
Just wanted to say that you aren't alone in this.
The rate that the troop gets per box varies from place to place. I know that here, it's 3.50 per box, and the amount the troop gets starts around .50, but if a troop sells a certain number of cases, the rate per box increases up to about .75.
I'm pretty sure a certain segment of our population thinks that only "libruls" and "mainstream media" are capable of hypocrisy.
I was just about to my family, my dad is the super conservative one, and we're all pretty sure that he's also the closeted one...
My daughter was also "sunny side up" and back labor was the most tremendous pain I've ever experienced. When trying to explain it to people, I always say that it felt like someone was hitting me in the lower back with a sledge hammer, and the pain never really eased up between the contractions, it just sort of…
I don't detest Yoko like I once did (age will do that to ya), but her *ahem* contribution to that song is painful. My 10 year old daughter heard the Sarah McLachlan version recently and had this conversation with my husband.
We still sing "Basted in Blood" every never gets old.
I promise that you aren't alone. There were times when it might have benefited me if I'd had a crush on my was a narcissistic Shakespeare prof who ONLY gave girls good grades if they fawned all over him and came to his off-campus evenings of "dramatic readings." His contention was that women could never…
Oh, my god this makes me so glad we didn't name our little guy Emmett (though we wanted to, after Emmett Otter, of course!). My kids are 4 years apart, and there are so many Hayden/Aiden/Ayden/Peyton/Payton/Jaden/Kaden/Braedens that I can't remember which ones are whose friends, not to mention which ones are girls and…
I know 3 different Arwens - no joke. One is 10, one is 15, and the other is in her mid-twenties. None of them, however, know each other.
My daughter (who's 10 and flew through all the Harry Potter and Hunger Games books this summer) asked, should we have another baby, that we consider naming this hypothetical little sister Katniss.
Wow - ouch! Maybe you aren't reading the right books? (I kid...sort of.)
I'm only finding a slideshow of *select* Vogue covers...can someone direct me to the location of the rest???