
Geez, and to think, when I was in school, all the cool kids soaked grapes in vodka and froze them, but you know back then, the cool kids also drank Zima.

I'm going to depart from my usual incredibly cynical nature here. And while I don't approve of having a jet circle for an hour and a half just so one person can sleep, it sounds like just maybe Michelle Williams' handlers were actually trying to take good care of her. I would guess that she really, really needed that

Remembering him from the "new" Dark Shadows (and subsequently 3rd Rock) freaks me out, but he's several years younger than me.

I have a question about all this, and I swear I'm not trying to play devil's advocate —- I really want to know the answers from someone with more legal knowledge than me.

When my daughter was 9 months old, we moved in with my husband's parents. She started walking at 10 months. One of the things she liked to do was walk up to the tv and put her hands on the screen, which didn't sit well with my OCD-having (fingerprints!) TV-watching father-in-law. One night he got angry with me because

My father-in-law (Pop) passed away suddenly in June 2007. I always know when he has been hanging around because I can smell him: cigarettes and well...just the way he smelled. Pop smell. In life, he was known for his amazing laundry skills. If you stained it, he could clean it. And while he hasn't miraculously made

Here's my cynical take...they stayed together just long enough for her to get pregnant. Then with the divorce dramz, she will have to go through the pregnancy ALONE except for her oh-so-wonderful family. Won't that make for an awesome season of whatever Kraptacular name they come up with for the show? Then there will

Okay, my story is more spooky than scary…

and 12+ year old girls who still suck their thumbs...in public (in the mall, on public transit)...ugh.

I read the Madonna/Marilyn quote as being from Harvey Fierstein, and I was interested. Then I realized it was from Weinstein, and well...not so much.

As the mom of an Arlo, I applaud your choice of Kristofferson for a boy. It was actually one of the names my sister-in-law and her husband considered as a name for their son. Ultimately, they decided on one of the top 10 boys' names, and he is going to be one of those kids who has to go by his first name and last

This simple thought of RDJ accompanied by the Perry Mason theme music makes me, well...tingly. Therefore, I declare the Perry Mason reboot a GOOD THING.

Living in Savannah, it has been difficult watching this case play out.

"while adding a third dimension to an otherwise very two-dimensional story"

I saw Joe Mangeniello at Dragon*Con, and he decidedly is the hotness.

My maternal grandfather had eczema, my mother had it, I have it, and both of my children have had to deal with it to varying degrees. My family are pale and freckly people, and Grandpa was a ginger. That being said, my daughter (10), who is asthmatic, shares the same food allergies I have, and is allergic to a

But, but...(and SPOILERS if you haven't read the books)...it's probably the song she sings to Rue, right? Right? I hope that's all it is.

I've been wondering about how people with asthma inhalers and Epi-Pens are treated. We haven't flown anywhere with my daughter yet, but when we do, she will have 2 different inhalers and Epi-Pens. Stories like this make me incredibly nervous that security will try and take her medications, which she cannot travel

I met her a few years ago at a smallish comic convention. She was wearing jeans and a t-shirt, hanging out with her Uncle Gus, and might have been wearing some lip gloss, but no other obvious make up. She was stunningly gorgeous and as sweet and genuine as can be. You could tell she was having a lot of fun, just being