"Belfie" ....
"Belfie" ....
That opening has clearly been filled...
I think we now know what happened to flight 370
I'd really like to read a Friendzone that doesn't involve the writer backing away from, disconnecting from or discarding people. It's getting tired and in real life, most of us don't just dump friends or loved ones whenever they become "toxic" or maybe just a bit difficult.
And releasing in roughly 6 months? This is amazing news! Too much excitement!
*"Last year he was partying with six chicks..."*
Oh god. Different Mara. hahaha
I might have teared up a lot watching this. Brilliant response, fabulous campaign. Yummy crackers.
Best thing ever. I'm off to the store to buy some Teddy Grahms right now.
Women with small breast can have saggy tits. If you get pregnant, there is good chance, regardless of your breast size, that you will have saggy tits. Guess what? Having saggy tits isn't the end of the world. I have saggy tits and world has not yet fallen off its axis.
So, for #1, respond to body shaming with more body shaming? Got it.
oh please, stop listening to sheep. I couldn't list all of the 3ds games with multiplayer...but i'd start with MK7, kid icarus, luigi's mansion, mario tennis, Sonic lost world....etc, etc, etc,... don't forget nintendo's recent FTP steeldiver game. Now...go google 3ds multiplayer games.
No, you know what? Fuck that. Yeah, our culture makes life hard for women with small breasts. It also makes life hard for women with large breasts. Frankly, it makes having breasts of any size a liability. But combating the idea that there's an "ideal" breast size is not about deciding which end of the spectrum has it…
Runs in PC browser, still better then Watchdogs graphics on PS4/Xbox One.
Wait—since when is "pussy" not a sexy term? I don't often sext, it's true, but in terms of dirty talk, pretty sure "pussy" has come up often on both sides.
Not saying "pussy" while sexting is news to me...
Why would anyone say "vagina" while sexting or sex'ing? "ooh pound my VAGINA big boy!" ...huh?
That's what my gynecologist said to me.